Important info on the story

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so first off everything up too Antman and the wasp minus the end credit scene happens. there is no infinite war or endgame, all of the avengers are alive except Wanda but don't worry she will be in a lot of this story.

vision and Wanda still have the twins Billy and tommy and they are 19 in this story but they also have a daughter named Natasha Caitlin Maximoff named after Natasha Romanoff she is 16 years old. Billy and tommy have the same powers they had in Wandavision but obviously Wandavision doesn't happen in this story . Natasha has all the same powers as Wanda, just not as strong/powerful as Wanda. she also has visions superspeed. she also has not unlocked all of her abilities quite yet. she also prefers to go by Caitlin.

Caitlin wears this outfit that Wanda is pictured wearing. she found it in one of the boxes stored in the attic and liked it so she took it. she is very much age of Ultron Wanda. she hates the avengers and is kind of a criminal but has a moral compass that she will not hurt anyone unless she's protecting herself.

alright I think that covers everything I will be posting the prologue soon it will explain how wanda dies.

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