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I remember that day like it was yesterday I was 10 years old. mom and dad came into the living room where I was watching my brothers Billy and tommy playing videogames and I was begging them to let me play too but they wouldn't let me." Guys we have some avengers business to attend we should be back by 6 for dinner. Billy, Tommy your in charge of your sister Nat listen to Billy and tommy ok." mom said as she hugged my brothers. "ok mommy and daddy I love you." I said as I wrapped my arms around my mom. "we love you too sweet girl" said daddy as him and mommy turned to leave.

I watched them open the door and noticed my mom looking back at us one more time but then dad hurried her along and I watched them fly away,

after a while I got board so I grabbed some paper and crayons and started drawling pictures for mom and dad but after a while we noticed it was already 7pm and they still weren't home. "hey Nat do you want to play with us?" tommy asked trying to distract me. "sure tommy I said as I joined them on the couch. we decide to play the avengers video game and off course I choose mommy aka scarlet witch, tommy choose to be uncle Loki, he maybe kind of a villain but we love him and he loves us and last Billy choose to be ironman. it was Billy and I against tommy. "we got this sis." smiled Billy as he pressed the start button.

"where going to beat you tommy."I yelled as I used moms magic to knock him off his feet.

"no your not." yelled tommy as he conjured up a shield.

"I got this." yelled Billy as he tried blasting tommy but tommy blocked it with his shield.

this continued on for hours until we all decide to go to bed.

"Tommy, Billy I cant sleep I'm worried about mom and daddy I cried. Billy and tommy took me back to my bed and laid down with me. "where worried to but I'm sure mom and dad are fine, they are avengers after all" tommy said as he tried to reassure me. "I'm sure they'll be back by the time we wake up." add tommy. I eventually feel asleep but not for long. Billy and tommy didn't get much sleep either that night.

we all walked downstairs only to find our parents still not home. "I'm going to call aunt nat." tommy said as he grabbed his phone and dialed her number. "that's strange went straight to voice mail." tommy said with a concerned look on his face. "how about we watch a movie, I bet by the time my and dad get home it will be over." Billy suggested.

At this point I could tell they where scared to but trying to hide it from me. we sat down and watched the movie and not even half way thought we heard the door open. "Mom, dad" we yelled as we ran to the door only to be meet by dad, uncle Loki and the avengers but no mom.

"where's mom" I asked. "um guys sit down we have some bad news." aunt Nat said with a blank expression on her face. "guys um...we got into a fight with some bad guys and we stopped all but one and your mom used her powers to stop the bad guy but the bad guy had similar powers to hers so she used every once of her powers and she and the other witch didn't make it." dad explained as he tried to hold back his tears. "No your lying! aunt Nat, uncle tony tell me dad is lying!" I screamed. "I'm sorry baby but your mom is gone."Nat said with tears began to form.

"Uncle Loki I know you wont lie to me, tell me is my mom really gone."I asked him.

Loki looked into my teary little eyes not knowing what to say. "I'm sorry sweet girl but she's gone." he said.

I collapse on to the ground as it finally hit me she was really gone. an energy blast went though me as I screamed. A few glass things broke as I started to loses control of my powers. "We have to dampen her powers before she hurts someone." Thor said. "with what all we have is the power dampening handcuffs." Nat said not wanting to have to do that to me. "where going to have to cuff her then." tony said. "vision your call." Steve said not wanting to have to cuff me. "Do it." dad said.

Natasha came up from behind and tried to grab me but I pushed her off of me. "Nat we need to put theses cuffs on you so we can negate your powers just until you calm down, we don't want to hurt you." Tony explained to me. "no I scream as a second energy blast went through me. strange then blasted me with his magic I feel back. I got her Nat said as she held me down so Steve could handcuff me.." Get off of me I screamed as I tried to fight her but it was no use Nat was way bigger and stronger then me. "its okay, its okay."Nat kept saying to me as she rocked me in her arms. "your mom wouldn't want you to be sad, she loved you." Scott said to me and my brothers. "Scotts right, I know it hurts now but it will get better." hope add.

that was they day my life changed for ever.

present day 2040

alright that's the end of the prologue hope you enjoyed. chapter 1 will be up soon.

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