Chapter 6

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Nat's POV

the avengers and I had the avengers compound completely locked down. I was walking thought the halls helping to clear the compound. I felt someone coming up behind me. I was ready to attack when I saw it was just clint. "Shh." he said as he Point to one of the rooms I hadn't cleared yet. "I saw someone go into that room from in my vents." Stated Clint. we both quietly walked over to the room when we heard something falling. I opened the door to see no one. Clint and I walked around the room only to find Bucky's cat Scar. "Scar! you scared us." I said as he turned his head away and walked very poshly away probably to go find bucky who wasn't here. "Cint and I continued to walked the halls and checking rooms but all the rooms where clear we where about to turn back when we heard crashing sounds. we followed the sounds to see Ironman flying around upside down.

"Um...Tony are you okay?" I Questioned

"NOOOOO!!!! someone has messed with my suit now my blasters are come out of me feet and I have to fly using using rockets from my hands. also F.R.I.D.A.Y isn't working." Tony ranted.

"umm you need any help Tony?" Clint asked.

"No, No keep searching the compound I'm going to go to my lab and get my backup suit." Commanded Tony as he flew away upside down.

Clint and I quickly cleared the rest of the rooms on our side of the building when we noticed someone following us. "Hey who are you?" I yelled as I Pulled out my gun. The person said nothing and I couldn't see who it was only that they where female and where wearing a black mask with a black top and red jacket with black with specs of red leggings and black boots and red gloves. "Show me your hands!" I commanded. I watched the intruder put there hands up. "Clint cover me." I said as began to walked over to her but as I did I noticed the magic coming out of the intruders hands so I tried to use my Black widow bite but for some reason it wasn't working and I was hit with a surge of magic pinning me against the wall. I watched as clint tried to shoot an arrow at the intruder but she stopped it with magic and confetti came out of used her magic to mess with clints mind.

"Now its just you and me." The intruder said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

I am the Dark witch and I'm here to exact my revenge." Dark witch snickered.

"What I don't even know you?" I stated.

"Oh you do just not yet." Dark witch explained.

"What did I do to you?" I asked.

"You and the rest of the avengers abandoned me when I need you the most." Dark witch.

"Just let me go and we can talk about this." I said.

"Don't worry I will but I'll be back." Vowed Dark witch as she let me go.

I chased after her but somehow she got away. As I was walking back to help clint I found something on the ground, It was Dark witches glove. I was right across from Tony's lab so I ran in and grabbed a glove and an evidence bag to put the glove in hoping maybe we could get some DNA off it. "Guys the intruder is gone meet me in the meeting room." I said over the comms as I helped clint up. When we arrived everyone was seated including Caitlin waiting for what I had to say.

"Guys I just had an in counter with the intruder she calls herself Dark witch. she had powers just like Wanda's. she messed with clints mind and had me pinned up against the wall." I explained. "Well it couldn't of been Wanda, she was with me,vision and pretty princess over there." Stark Explained . "Cap what is up with your suit?" I asked. "when I went to get my suit this was all that was there." Steve Explained as he waved his little wand in embarrassment. "What did this intruder want?" asked Vision. "Revenge, she said that we all abandoned her when she needed us the most." I Explained...."Oh and I also found this, this is dark witches glove, Bruce do you think you can see if there's any DNA to test on it?" I asked. "Yes. I'll get right on it." Said Bruce.

I looked over at Caitlin to see she was now a bit nervous. "Alright avengers dismissed." I said.

Caitlin's POV

I walked out of the meeting nervously wondering if the avengers suspected anything. I need to get my glove back before they test it. I watched as Nat and banner headed for banners lab. I quietly followed from behind but Nat must have spider sense because she caught me. "Caitlin what are you doing?" Nat questioned. "Um...Just hanging around." I said. "Caitlin is there something you want to tell me?" She asked me. "No." I replied. "ok." She replied as her and banner walked away. "Damit I thought, she's going find out. although maybe this wasn't nearly a bad thing. I just need to alter my plan a little bit. I ran off to find the other avengers standing around cap in his pretty pick princess suit fit with a tiara, little Wand and tutu.

"so cap do we call you Princess America now?" Stark Mocked.

"HaHa very funny, which one of you did this?" Cap Asked .

all of us just laughed but where suddenly interrupted by clint.

"Cap why was your shield in my vents?" clint asked.

"What? I don't know? was my suit in there too?" Cap Asked.

"No just the shield?" Clint said.

"Hold on cap I think this is your suit just transfigured." Mom said as she did some magic.

"Wanda do you think you could do a spell to find my hammer?" Thor Questioned.

"Yeah I think so." Mom said.

Alright hope you enjoyed this chapter. the next one will be up soon

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