chapter 5

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I quietly creeped to Clint's room to find his arrows. I look in the closet, under the bed and in his dresser but nothing but that's when I noticed something in his bed. Clint had his bow and arrows tucked into his bed like there where a person. I rolled my eyes and held back my laughter as I grabbed his arrows and spread them out on the floor. I first took out all the contacts that where in his trick arrow and threw them in the trash. I then conjured up some confetti and streams to put in the trick arrows. I carefully put the confetti and streamers into his arrows except one. for the last arrow I rigged it to come back to him and blow up in his face. I filled that one with strawberry jam. I carefully Placed his arrows back in his bag and back into the bed the way he had them.

I quickly and quietly went to Nat's room and it didn't take me long to find her Black widow bite shocker thing. I used my magic to get rid of its abilities put it back. next up I decided to go to Thor's room to look for his stash of pop-tarts which funny enough where under his bed. I took them and hid them in Tony's office next I used my magic to negate the spell on Thor's hammer and took it and secretly placed in under the floor in the training room and put a spell on it so Thor couldn't call for it. next up was cap, I went to his room which just happened to be across from Thor's and found his suit and shield. I again used my magic to change the color of his uniform to pink and add a tutu. then I changed the star to a crown on his uniform and then added a bunch of glitter and replaced his shield with a little wand and his helmet to a crown. I then placed everything back in his closet and hide his shield in the Vents. I was going to do hulk next but there was nothing to take or mess with.

Then I thought about mom and dad but they don't have anything either, then I though strange but he doesn't have anything extra besides his cape and time stone and I wasn't going to take those from him and that's when it hit me, Antman and wasp. I quickly went to both of there rooms and grabbed all of there Pym particle disks. I then went to Tony's lab and started to mess with them a bit. after I couldn't figure out how they worked I Just used my magic to switch the blue and the red disks so now the blue ones make things small and the red make things big. I then put them back and went to mine and moms room to Watch sitcoms.


Nat's POV

Avengers I have just gotten word of a possible threat, Shield isn't sure how credible it is but they want us to be on high avengers be ready to go at a moments notice." Tony said. "Well Mjolnir should be waking up from his afternoon nap any minute now." Thor stated . "Thor, Mjolnir is a hammer which is an Inanimate Objects which means its not living therefor Mjolnir doesn't need sleep." Stark Explained . "No he's not, he's living and taking his nap and will eat a pop-tar when he wakes up." Thor Snapped . "Fine Mjolnir is living, moving on. the next order of business is house rules." Tony Stated . "House rules?" I Questioned. "Yes because its come to my attention that someone isn't cleaning there dishes after they Eat and the rule in this house is you clean up after yourself." Tony articulated.

The avengers all look at each other. "I bet it was that robot over there he's being awfully quiet and looks very suspicious ." Scott Stated . "Hi over here, I have a name you know its Vision and two I'm a synthezoid not a robot therefor I don't Eat." Disputed Vision. "Scott was it you?" asked Nat. "No of course not." Scott said. "I don't know Scott, that was very suspicious of you to blame Vision."Wanda said. "It wasn't me, I swear." Scott insisted. "Tony was there anything left on theses dishes?" Steve Questioned "Actually Capsicle there was. I found a blonde hair." Tony stated . "Ok so its either Thor or cap." Hope added . "Well its definitely wasn't me." Cap Insisted . Everyone turned to Thor wondering what he was going to say in defense of himself as small beads of sweat drip of his forehead. "Fine it was me." Thor confessed. "Thor you have to clean up after yourself." I said. "I Know I'm sorry." Thor said. "We knew just clean up after yourself for now on." Steve Added. "Alright Avengers dismissed." Tony said.

back to Caitlins POV

I must of fallen asleep because I awoke to my mom coming into the room. "Meeting over all ready?" I asked. "Yeah and it was pretty boring." Mom stated. "Well at least its over." I said. "So have you been... aaah who took Mjolnir" Thor Screamed as he interrupted mom. we all ran over to him to see what was happening. "Thor what's wrong?" Questioned Steve. "Someone stole Mjolnir." Thor Cried. "Well we where all in the meeting...except." Nat paused as she looked at me. "What, you think I took Mjolnir, how I cant lift it." I stated. "You have magic which can override the spell on him." Thor stated. " Thor I didn't take your hammer." I lied. "Yes you did, I know you did." Growled Thor. "Thor we don't have any proof of that, Plus bucky, Sam,Carol wherent there either. plus did you even try to summon your hammer" Added Wanda. "I did and he never came." confirmed Thor.

"Will find Mjolnir." Stated Nat.

all the sudden alarms started going off. "F.R.I.D.A.Y what is it?" Tony asked.

"Someone is trying to Break into the Avengers tower." Stated Friday.

"Ok everyone suit up." Cap commanded.

Mom Grabbed me and pushed me into her closet.

"Caitlin Say here and don't come out till I say too." Mom command.

"Ok mom." I said as she used her magic to create a magical shield around me.

Ok hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next one will be up soon

happy new years guys.

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