chapter 2

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guys I changed the present day to 2040 because I realized the original date of 2023 didn't make any sense while I was writing this chapter.

My vision started to focus as I began to wake up. "Who are you and how did you get in here?" Mr.. stark asked me in a serious tone. "um.. its me your niece Caitlin." I said very confusedly. "What are you talking about I don't have a niece nor any niece named Caitlin." Mr. Stark said. "Look I know we aren't on the best terms right now but I am niece, Natasha come on you remember me right?" I asked nervously. "I'm sorry I don't." aunt Nat replied with no expression on her face. "I'm Wanda and visions daughter, how do you not remember me?" I asked.

"Your lying vis and I don't have any children." Said a woman in a sokovian accent who looked very familiar. "Mom?" I cried as I ran over and hugged her. "How are you alive? you died 6 years ago?" I asked as tears began to fall down my cheeks. "I'm sorry but I don't have any kids." mom said as she pushed me off of her. "STRANGE WHAT DID YOU TO ME!"I screamed as I throw him against the wall. "I did-n't do any-thing ttt-to you." pleaded strange as I chocked him with my magic. "Yes you did, use used the eye of Agamotto on me and I passed out and now no one remembers me and my mother is suddenly alive, now tell me what you did?" I asked again. "stop." my mother yelled as she blasted me with her magic.

As I sat up I notice her standing in from of me her eyes glowing red. I backed away from her terrifed never seeing her like that. I instinctively put a magic shield around me as I knew I could not beat my mother in a fight.

I watched as her eyes turned back to Normal as she bent down next to me. she used her magic to take down my shield and I quickly backed away from her until she corned me. "Its okay I'm not gonna hurt you." she said as she looked me down head to toe. "Where did you get those clothes and the necklaces." she asked me. "I found them in a box of your stuff in the attic, dad most of put them up there." I said. "Where did you get your powers from?" dad asked me. "From mom and I also have superspeed from you." I said as my hands began to shake and a bit of red psionic energy came out of my hands. "Its okay." Mom said as she grabbed my hands. I looked at her and noticed her eyes going red again." what are you doing?" I asked her.

She didn't say anything and after a few moments I watched as her eyes turned back to normal. "I couldn't read her your mind, its like she's blocking me out" mom said as she looked at me very suspiciously. "Is there something you don't want Wanda to see?" Steve Questioned. "No." I replied. The Avengers looked at me unsure if they could trust me. I started to get nervous as I went though every scenario of me escaping but I knew I would have to beat scarlet witch and that was not going to be possible. I look at my mom and begin to sing in sokovian

(she is singing the sokovian lullaby from Wandavision)

tie mi t͡ʃaˈjaɫəm

ˈʃiɪdeŋ ˈti e ˈʃte

ˈdrage wo t͡sto ˈmisliɫəm

ˈdom naʃ ˈʃiɪdeŋ ˈgnieʒdo

bez veˈdeɪ̆ doˈkude ˈjit͡ʃiʃ

ˈʃiʒa ˈsunt͡so nad tiˈe

"how do you know that song?" mom asked.

"You used to sing it to me before you...died." I said

mom looked over at my dad and then back at me." vis I think she's telling the truth, I can feel it." mom said. "Wanda are you sure?" cap questioned. "yes." mom said as she wrapped her arms around me. I watched as Bruce whispered to stark. "ok where going to do a DNA test so we can prove weather or not your Wanda and visions kid." stark said. "ok lets do it."I said. "Ok lets go to banners lab." stark said. we all walked to banners lab quietly. "ok first where going to take blood samples from you, Wanda and vision." Bruce explained.

"hold on I'm a synthezoid therefore I don't have blood or DNA in a human sense." explained Vision. "right you don't but then how do you and vis have a kid?" questioned Stark. "oh right I guess I should add that my brothers and I where conceived though magic." I explained. "brothers?" mom gasped. "yeah I have two older twin brothers." I explained. "well a DNA test isn't going to work, so Stark any other ideas?" Bruce asked. "we could...I got nothing." stark said. "ok I think I got it, even though she was conceived thought magic she should still biology match with Wanda right?"Bruce theorized. "ok lets try it." stark said rolling his eyes.

after Bruce took blood samples from me and mom it wasn't long until the results came in.

"ok we have the results Wanda you and Caitlin are a 100% mother and daughter DNA match." Stark confirmed.

"but how is this possible, I think I would know if I had a baby." mom said

"Ask strange because whatever is going on is his doing!" I said.

"I told you I didn't do anything to you." Dr. strange said as he walked into the lab. "yes you did." I protested. I watched strange give everyone in the room a confused look. "I promise I didn't do anything to you, what makes you think I did something to you?" strange questioned. I scoffed at what he said in disbelief "you don't remember you and the avengers chasing me because I got in trouble and I ran right into and then used the eye of Agamotto on me and then I passed out and now no one remembers me?" I ranted. "I'm sorry but I don't remember that." strange disputed. We all watched as Strange paced around the room. "no it couldn't be? but maybe?" "What is it strange." Mom asked.

" Caitlin what year is it?" Strange inquired.

"what?" I asked.

"Just humor me." strange said.

"Ok its 2040."I stated.

"Caitlin its 2017." dad said

"what?"I asked not wanting to believe what I just heard.

"Honey its 2017." Mom said

alright hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it took so long I got stuck on one part but we should be good now. the next chapter should be up soon.

be better then me: the story of Wanda and visions daughterWhere stories live. Discover now