chapter 3

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2017? how could it be 2017 I thought as I could feel my breathing start to speeding up. "Strange I swear as soon as I get back to my time, I'm going to kill you" I Warned. "dully noted." strange said not caring. "Ok why don't we take a minute to calm down." Mom suggested. "yeah good idea." I agreed as I walked out of the room. once I was out of site I ran until I found a quit place to be alone, It was cousin peters room but I knew cousin peter wouldn't mind. Even thought I hate the avengers, Peter was the only one I still liked. unlike the others him and MJ always cared about me. I looked around peters room and noticed he had a lot of spiderman merch in like a shrine to himself. next to his Spidey shrine was basically an ironman shrine.

I never really understood why he looked up to stark because stark is a egomaniac who is way to full of himself that its annoying. "Who are you and why are you in my room?" peter questioned. "Peter?" I exclaimed as I hugged him. "Who are you and why are you hugging me?" peter asked. "Oh right you don't know who I am, wow you really don't age do you Spidey." I stated. "What? no? I'm not the spiderman." claimed peter. "Relax I'm Wanda Maximoff daughter from the future." I explained. "time travel cool! we knew each other in the future?" peter Questioned. "Of course your peter parker, spiderman, husband of MJ and father of Anna-may although she prefers Annie." I answered. "husband? daughter?" he asked confused. "oops spoilers." I said. "You know my name but I don't know yours?" Peter said. "Caitlin Maximoff." I replied. "So Caitlin what are you doing in my room?" questioned Peter. "Getting away from the Avengers, I don't have the best relationship with them in the future." I Explained.

"Really even with me?" peter asked. "No your the only one I Actually have a good relationship with." I said. "Why?" peter questioned. "Its a long story." I stated. "well your welcome to stay in here as long as you want, I just came to grab my backup web shooters." peter said as he opened his bedside table draw.

"Ahh man of spiders just the avenger I was looking for." Thor Beamed.

"What do you need Thor." Peter asked.

"Well where out of pop-tarts and I was hoping you could swing by the store and get me some more." Thor asked. "

Thor I just got you a box of Pop-Tarts Yesterday." Peter added.

"I know but I finished them all." Thor Confessed.

"Thor I'm not getting you anymore pop-tarts, you should've made them last longer." Peter said.

"I know but please man of spiders please get me more pop-tarts." Thor pleaded.

"Fine I'll go get you Pop-tarts but this time you better make them last." peter said.

"I promise I will." Thor promise.

I watched peter grab his web shooters and leave the room before Thor turned to me. "Ahh girl from the future the team is looking for you, Come on I'll take you to them." Thor stated. reluctantly I followed him. he lead me to the living room of the avengers compound where Steve, Nat, Banner, Stark, Clint, strange, and my parents where waiting. "Caitlin good your hear." Cap said. "What is this meeting about?" I asked. "Well sense we don't know how long your going to be here we decide it was best if you stayed her in the Avengers compound plus both your parents already live here so it works out." cap Explained . "Cool anything else?" I asked.

"We just want to make sure your okay, you seemed pretty upset after you found out it was 2017?"mom asked concernedly.

"I'm fine I just need a minute to process everything." I said.

"Well okay but if you want talk I'm here." mom replied .

"Caitlin training starts at 6 am and you will be training with me and your Mom." Nat stated.

"What? I don't need training, I'm already an avenger in my time." I complained.

"Well then you know avengers always need more training so that where always prepared for when where in the field." Stark disputed .

"Fine." I replied.

"Alright, so until we get a room set up for you, your going to be sharing with me. "It'll be a great chance for us to bond." mom beamed.

"Ok cool I guess." I said.

"Come on I'll show you our room. come on vis." Mom Chirped.

"Coming darling." Dad called as he got up and followed mom and I

Nat's pov

"Ok now that there gone, We need to keep an eye on Caitlin, I think she's hiding something from us." Cap stated.

"I agree I think she's lying to us too." Banner added .

"Ok Nat you keep an eye on her and do not tell Wanda and vision at least not until we have definitive proof." said clint.

"Ok I'm on it." I confirmed as I excepted my mission.

hope you enjoyed this chapter I have now added Nat's Pov so every so often the story will switch to Nats pov. next chapter will be up soon

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