part 10

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3 weeks later

Nat's pov

for the last few weeks Caitlin has been avoiding everyone Especially me and I don't know why. Every time I try to talk to her she runs away from me. I look over to see Caitlin with Wanda who seems to be the only avenger she wants to be around talking. "Caitlin can we talk?" I asked. "S-sure." She said as Wanda walked away over to vision who was currently cooking Lunch.

"Caitlin why have you been avoiding us especially me?" I Questioned.

"I cant tell you." Caitlin Replied.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because its about you, my you from my time." Caitlin explained.

"Did I do something to you?" I asked.

"No the opposite I hurt you, all of you and I'm afraid when I go back, you wont forgive me." Caitlin explained Caitlin.

"I already have." I said.

"Your not my Nat, You don't know everything I did." Caitlin said.

"Well if my future self is not so different then me now, I know I will forgive you Caitlin." I comforted.

"My name isn't Caitlin its Natasha, My middle name is Caitlin. I was named after you." Caitlin explained

I smiled as I hugged her. I let go and she smiled at me before running off to her mother. I was glad I had that talk with Caitlin but I couldn't help but wonder if their was something more bothering her.

Caitlin's pov

I walked to the museum room that stark had made to memorialize the avengers achieve. I looked around and saw the very first Ironman suit the mark 1 even though it wasn't the whole suit just a piece but it was still really cool then out of the conner of my eye I saw something. I walked over to it and realized it was the suit my mom had worn during the battle between Ironman and captain American. Above was a picture of mom during the battle.

"Why did you leave me, you promised you would come home and you never did. I want to hate you but I cant." I Jumped as I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Cap what are you doing In here?" I asked as I tried to pretend I was fine.

"I saw you come out here and I wanted to make sure you where okay." Said cap.

"I'm much did you hear?" I asked embarrassed.

"Enough. I know from what you've said and from what your mom found out that you haven't been doing very well and being acting out." Said Cap.

"Yeah because you guys never cared about me, You guys only carried when I was getting in trouble. you guys where always to business to care." I cried.

"I know its not going to mean the same but I'm sorry we made you feel that way. Did you even try talking to one of us?" Asked Cap.

"No but not like you guys would listen to me anyway, I'm the one that you guys don't care about." I said.

"I'm sure that's not true." Cap comforted.

"I don't know cap." I said.

Cap hugged me as I cried.

"Cap where's peter?" I Asked.

"I think He's in the lab with Stark." Cap answered.

"Thanks cap." I smiled as I hugged him before leaving the room.

I slowly walked down to Starks lab not sure of what I was going to say to peter. I hoped peter would be willing to talk to me because he had been avoiding me theses last few weeks. I walked in and over to peter.

"Peter can we talk?" I asked.

"I...Um sure." Peter hesitantly said as stark continued to work on upgrade to his suit.

"peter I'm sorry for everything that happened. your the only one that never abandoned me and I don't want to lose you." I said.

"I forgive you and your not going to lose me." Peter comforted.

"Thanks peter, don't tell anyone but by the way your my favorite avenger." I said.

peter smiled and hugged me.

"Cait I know how much it hurts losing a parent but you cant keep holding on hoping she'll come back. you have to be able to let go, so you can live your life. your mom wouldn't want you to be sad."Said peter.

"let go?....Peter your a genius, the clause strange put in the spell was for me to finally be able to let go." I explained.

"Then that's what you need to do. It okay to be sad and miss her but you also have to be able to let go and not hold on." peter said.

"Thanks peter." I said as I turned to leave.

I now knew what I need to do as I walked around looking for my mom. I walked up stairs to see my mom talking to Thor and Nat.

"Mom I need to talk to you." I said as I stood in front of her.

"Do you want us to go?" Nat asked.

"No its okay you guys can stay." I said.

"What's going on honey?" Mom asked.

"I forgive you." I said.

"For what." Mom asked confused

"I used to be so angry at you for not coming home but I'm not anymore. I forgive you and peter was right I have to let you go. I miss you so much but I cant let your death control me anymore. I love you so much but I'm letting you go. "I said then all of the sudden a orange portal opened.

"I guess I'm going back to my time." I said as I watched mom get up to hug me.

"I wish we would've had more time together." Mom said.

"We did, we had 10 years together. I love you mom." I said.

"I love you too." Said mom.

"I'll see you both in a minute " I said to Nat and Thor as I entered the portal.

"okay hope you enjoyed this chapter. the next one will be up soon."

be better then me: the story of Wanda and visions daughterWhere stories live. Discover now