chapter 9

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I sat in my cell quietly as the avengers talked. "I don't if we can really believe she's not going to try to hurt us?" Stark Questioned . "We could have Wanda read her mind." Bruce suggested as they all turned to look at Wanda who was looking over at her daughter. "I-I can try." Mom Stated as she walked over to me. Before I could say anything her eyes went red. I knew what she was doing and I didn't fight it. I just said nothing and after a few months her eyes turned back to Normal. Mom looked at me with a gloomy expression on her face before walking back over to the team.

"So what did you see?" asked Nat.

"I saw all of her memories and she definitely got into some trouble with you guys over the last few years. I don't think she truly let herself grieve me and instead just held all of her emotions back. I don't think she's going to hurt us. All I could feel from her was pain, sadness and guilt but nothing to indicate she's planning anything again." Mom Explained

"I still don't know guys, she's dangerous." Stark doubted.

Mom was about to say something when all the sudden strange came flying into the room.

"Ok so I went thought all the books I could find on time travel but I didn't find any spell that used the stone to send someone back in time only the spell I use to reverse time a few minutes when I need to." Strange Explained .

"Ok so you flew all the way here to tell us this why?" Nat Questioned .

"I need to talk to Caitlin." Explained strange as he walked over to the cell.

"Dr. Strange what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I looked thought all my spell books but I couldn't find any spell that matched what you describe or even to send someone back in time." Strange Explained.

"Oh it wouldn't be. years before my mom died you and her discovered away to modify spells to change it, kind of like mine and my moms chaos magic where we don't needs spells but because you do you modified existing spells to make your own." I Explained.

"Do you know how I was able to do this?" Strange asked.

"No but you always put in a safe guard when you did this so the spells would reverse on its own following a completion of a clause like if you snap your fingers 3 times or after a certain amount of time the spell will reverse ." I stated.

"Ok so we just need to figure out what the clause was." Strange said.

I said nothing as I watched him walk away probably going back to the sanctum. I looked out to see the rest of the avengers leave expect mom who waited for everyone to leave before coming over and sitting down. we sat their in silence for what felt like forever before she finally spoke.

"So I see that you've been getting into a lot of trouble lately, wanna talk about it?" Mom asked.

"I-I just wanted them to notice me, Care about me but they all just abandoned me so I started getting in trouble so they would notice me." I Explained.

"From what I saw in your mind it seems like Nat and peter really care about you." Mom Said.

"Not dad or the rest of the avengers, they all Just pretend I'm invisible." I Cried.

"Did you ever tell them that?" Mom asked.

"No." I replied

"Then when you get back to your time, you need to tell them that or they cant do anything to change how they are because they cant read your mind like I can?" Laughed mom.

"I miss you so much mommy." I cried.

"I know and I'm sorry I couldn't be their for you." Mom said.

"I know." I replied

"Get some rest, I'll come check on you later." Mom smiled as I watched her get up and leave.

I sat their for awhile thinking about what mom said and realized she was right I should've just tried talking to the Avengers instead of just trying to burry my emotions. I also realized that I owned Nat especially a big apology, I had been so cruel to her but I couldn't face her at least not yet. I used my magic to unlock the cell and I walked out and snuck up stairs to the balcony and just stood their looking up at the night sky. I stayed their for awhile lost in thought when I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Nat you scared me?" I said

"I saw that you escaped your cell so I came to find you." Replied Nat.

"I-I'm..... I cant." I said as I ran away from Nat. I ran till I reached my moms room and ran in and locked the door behind me.

"I wondered when you where going to break out of the cell." Mom laughed. I ran over to her and buried my head in her chest as I Cried.

"What's wrong baby?" She asked me.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said.

"Ok baby but I'm here if you want to talk." Mom comforted me as she brushed her fingers throw my hair.

Alright hope you enjoyed this chapter. the next one will be up soon

be better then me: the story of Wanda and visions daughterWhere stories live. Discover now