▪▪▪ChapterII- GETTING TO KNOW▪▪▪

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She is excited to start school the following morning. She was even carrying her guitar.

She did eat her breakfast quickly, and she left his guitar in the library.

"I'm going mum, see you later," she replied cheerfully, kissing her mother on the cheek before departing.

She looked out of the window, unable to see her new friend while listening to the lecture.

"What is chemistry, anyone?"

She looked out the window. The teacher in front of me looked around.

"Ms. Lorenzo?" Vina inquires.

She abruptly turned around, puzzled.

"What is Chemistry, Ms. Lorenzo?" Ms. Vina asked again.

She slowly rose to her feet. Her classmates were all staring at her.

According to its definition, "chemistry is the scientific area concerned with elements and compounds comprised of atoms, molecules, and ions: their composition, structure, properties, behavior, and the changes they undergo during a reaction with other substances."

"Thank you; please take a seat," Ms. Vina said.

"She is correct that chemistry is the study of the atomic composition and structural architecture of substances, as well as the various interactions among chemicals that can lead to abrupt, frequently violent reactions," Ms. Vina inquired again.

So why is Chemistry important to our life?" Ms. Vina asked the follow-up question

Carmen, responds from her seat. "Chemistry will assist us in solving any future problems, such as sustainable energy and food production, environmental management, providing safe drinking water, and boosting human and environmental health," she said.

"Can anyone give their own answer? She's right, but I'd want to hear more from you guys," said Ms. Vina.

"Chemistry is a huge part of our everyday lives; one can easily witness this branch of science in different realms of human life like the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the various cleaning agents we use," Emy, the best student in grade 9, stated.

the bell rung...

Now is the time to move on to the next subject.

"All right, time's up; we'll continue this conversation tomorrow."

"She was great earlier" Emy's friend whispered."

"Perhaps she's smart," her acquaintance speculated.

One of them remarked, "We don't know yet."

Her ballpen had tipped over. Something struck it right as he was about to pick it up. They both passed out. Both she and the man grabbed her brow.

"I'm sorry," Carmen said.

The man added, "I'm sorry as well."

Both of them avoided staring at one other because of the uneasiness they felt. Because they were so near, Carmen was thrown off balance when she tried to stand up straight. The man grabbed her by the back of her neck.

She senses a warmth that she can't explain. Her hair was rising up on her back, yet she wasn't chilled.

She gradually adjusted and stepped back. It bowed and thanked the person. He said shyly, "Kam sam ni da esta."

"Are you Korean?" the man shocked enquired.

Carmen didn't say much but nodded.

"Oh, that's why," the man said, extending his hand to her.

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