Chapter 18: Breakfast

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Miranda's pov

After I met up with Jay and Louis we went to the hotel lobby to get some breakfast. They had a pretty big selection, so I got a waffle, eggs, two pieces of bacon, and a biscuit with a little gravy. I also got a latte. We sat down at a table and began to eat. "So how was your guys morning? Did you sleep well?" I asked them.

" I slept pretty well. My morning was good. Louis?

" Yeah I slept pretty good. I had a pretty weird dream though. I dreamt that you guys caught on fire and my head was cut off. I was literally running around like a chicken."
" Wow, Louis just, wow. Why did you eat in the plane last night?"
"I don't know. Bread and butter. Peanuts. Same thing you guys ate."
"But I didn't have bad dreams or anything. Did you, Jay?"
"No. That's weird. You're weird Louis."
"Thanks mom thanks so much for that."
"You are welcome, Louis."
Anyways after breakfast, jay gave us about three hours to do whatever we wanted to, so I went to the hotel workout place. I first just wanted to start on the treadmill running, so I ran for about thirty minutes. I then just started to stretch a little and lifted weights. I did some crunches, some sit-ups, squats, all that workout stuff. Then I went to my room and changed into my swimsuit. Entering the swimming room, I found I was alone.
I ran and dived into the pool. I then found this was a bad idea, because the water was freezing! I quickly got used to while I was underwater. I eventually had to come back up for air. I did a couple flips underwater, then got out. I climbed on the diving board and did a backflip off. I then just laid bank and floated on the water. I heard a cough, which startled me. I went underwater and came back up.
"Hey. I'm Derek. You are really pretty. I like your tattoos. Can I get your number?"
"Um.. Sure!" I replied.
I got out of the pool, an went over to where I put my clothes and stuff. I dried off my hands and grabbed my phone. We traded phones and put out numbers in. We traded back. I checked the time and saw that it was it was noon.
"Whats wrong?" Derek said in a panic.
"I have to go meet up with my family in thirty minutes. I'll text you later though, okay?''
"Yeah, yeah, that's fine. Go ahead."
"Okay! Bye Derek!"
I quickly went out the door and onto the lift. I pressed my room number, and waited to get there. As the doors were closing, I saw Louis running to catch the lift.
"Wait! Hold the door!" Louis yelled.
I pressed the open door button and Louis slid in.
"Oh, hey Miranda!"
"Hi Louis. Your lucky. I was debating on closing the doors. Then I decided to be nice. Unlike you, asshole." I said jokingly.
"Uh, please. You ate all my damn cherry pie!"
"Uh Louis you never had any cherry pie..."
We walked out of the lift. I went to my room he went to his. I got in the shower so I could wash the chlorine out of my hair. I scrubbed my hair then rinsed it out. I put a glob of conditioner in my hair, and got my razor to shave my legs. I shaved them, then shaved my armpits. I rinsed off, then rinsed my conditioner out. I washed my body, then stepped very carefully onto the towel that I laid down before getting in. Ain't nobody got time for injuries. I washed my face, then brushed my teeth. I went into the bedroom part of the room, and dried off. I put my robe on, then put my hair up in the towel. Walking over to the mirror, I pulled out the little stool that was say under the counter. I started on my makeup. I did it kinda natural, only a little concealer, some powder, did my eyebrows, put on some eyeliner and mascara. My usual look. Though its not really that natural. I pulled my hair down from the towel, and got my brush out. I brushed my hair, trying desperately to ignore the fact that it sounded like I was eating an apple. I put in some product, then left it alone. I didn't really care. I picked out a pair of red white and blue shorts, and a plain black crop top. I got out a black tank top to wear under that. I picked out some undergarments and put all of it on. I put on some deodorant and some perfume. I turned around and tripped over my suitcase.
"Damn it!"
I put on shoes an headed out the door.

A/N Hey guys! How ya been? I'm so sorry for the long wait. I've just had the worst writers block ever! So sorry! But um yeah. This is really just a filler chapter until I think of ideas. So yeah. Don't forget to
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And always love yourself

Xx Hailey xX

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