Chapter 16: Airplane/Filler

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"Oh my gosh guys look we're so high!" I exclaimed. I was looking out the window of the airplane.
"Ha Miranda if you think this is high just wait until we get higher up. We're still gaining height."
"Yes we are. I would go to sleep we have like a 6 to 8 hour flight." Louis said
"Okay." With that said I looked out the window and eventually went to sleep.
(Skip through the six hours)

"Miranda, Miranda, MIRANDA!"
"What?" I woke up slowly. "What do you want Louis!"
"Wake up we are here."
"Oh okay sorry."

We got off the plane and my eyes widened.
"It's so pretty here!"
"I know right!" Louis remarked
We went to the hotel room because it was late .
"Night guys!"

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