The Truth and an Apology

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Hey, guys, so I will start by letting you know this isn't a oneshot. I know many of you wanted a Christmas one-shot, and I had planned on one, but it very likely won't be happening. This is me coming clean to you all, who have been so patient with me the past few months. The truth is that I have been struggling. Hard. Not just in school or work or with family. The things I can usually play it off as. Though, while valid, it isn't the truth. I have been struggling mentally most of all. I have ADHD, anxiety, and am high functioning bipolar (which is a type of manic depression). The reason I am telling you this isn't for your sympathy or making anyone feel bad; it is simply giving to give you an explanation. I have been telling you guys for months that I would be back after the semester, or I will start posting again soon, which may be true. I don't really know. But that's the thing is, I don't know, and I don't want to give you guys hope when I have no way of knowing. So essentially, what I am getting at it is there is a very real chance I won't be posting consistently or possibly ever again on here. I am sorry from the very bottom of my heart. I want everyone to know that this isn't from a lack of support or want to do it or even ideas really; it's just from something out of my and your control. I hope that you all have an incredible holiday!

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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