Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: This is the continuation of the first chapter and I'm going to add the Japanese versions of the attacks and English version for others.

No one's POV~

Ash was really happy that his Pikachu has that work ethic and the drive to be stronger than anyone else.
And his other Pokemons are the same
Then he decides to train his other Pokemons in different Pokemon combinations of their own choice.

Ash's POV~

''Infernape Garchomp and Krookodile you three are going to train your own arsenals as well.
I want you Infernape to learn ''Overheat'' and for Garchomp you need to practice your ''Draco Meteor''
until you have perfected it and lastly for Krookodile you have to learn to control your "Doragon Kuro (*Dragon Claw*)''. And they're training at their respective spots and Infernape keeps on punching out the sandbag to hasten his "Iron Fists'' special ability.
While Garchomp is focused in using his "Draco Meteor" and it was launched in the sky and it was split into tiny parts and it rained down to the ground simultaneously. Krookodile is sharpening his claws to make it a lot more devastating to use.

Infernape's POV~

''Man punching the sandbags are amazing I feel like my fists are getting more honed by each passing time and after that I will train with "Overheat" hmm maybe I can ask help with Charizard or Emboar with it''. He thought to himself.
"Plus I need to enhance my ''Flare Drive". And my ''Dig'' maybe I can use it as a set up for ''Sky Uppercut''
Hmm that would be very helpful for me if I can find the right spot to hit." He looks determined to be at his top notch performance. "Hey Charizard and Emboar can you please help me with an extra attack
Can you help me train with "Overheat" ??" He asked politely.

Charizard and Emboar's POV~

''Gladly buddy allow the OG ''Most Electrifying Fire Type in all of Pokemon Entertainment" show it.
Says Charizard and he focused on a large flame emission and blows it towards Infernape and he felt the extreme heat it emits. ''Man that was really intense.'' Infernape thought. ''Emboar your turn" and he agreed. ''Sure Blaze (*his real name is Flash Blaze C. Lizard *) and he blew a mini fire in his arms and used it to slam the ground and it shook when it erupted. "Wait ''Flame" isn't that "Blasto Burn (*Blast Burn*) " (*his real name is Flame Blast E. Boar*) and he nods.
"Hey Sun Wukong you may also try to learn "Fire Spin" and ''Fire Punch" plus "Arm Thrust" (*His real name is Sun Wukong I. Monkey*) also enhance your own "Flame Wheel" . says  Emboar and he agreed to him.

Krookodile's POV~

''Hmm maybe I can ask Ash's flying types for my "Aerial Ace". And maybe I can also learn to use "Shadow Claw" let's see if it's effective too. And Staraptor plus Swellow helped Krookodile in mastering his "Aerial Ace".  ''Oi Star can you help me with my"Aerial Ace" and maybe Swellow can also act as a guide." Asked Krookodile and they nodded knowing that he can use it against Normal Types.

"Focus your speed and imagine the streamline envelopes you and aim for the target." Says Staraptor and Swellow added ''Just keep your own vision to the center aim for that'' .
And he decides to follow their advices and it was really perfect.
Even Greninja was impressed with it. ''Nice shot Krooky you're getting better and stronger too." And he smiled at him ''Thanks Shinobi (*his real name is Shinobi G. Frog*) it won't be possible without their own help and Ash's encouragement as well. ''Yep he's the best trainer there will be well I'm going back because he told me that I should learn "Night Slash".  And uppen my own senses so that my ''Cut'' and ''Hydro Pump" would be better for it.
Says Greninja and he
acknowledged it seeing how persevering the ninja frog is.  
"Good luck with your training Greninja''. And he smiled at him.

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