Chapter 3 - The Search for AR Team.

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Alex: "How's Executioner?"

Persicaria: "I was looking through her memory core and . . You weren't lying."

I raise an eyebrow, confused.

Alex: "What do you mean?"

Persicaria would sigh.

Persicaria: "I forgotten you can't stand my 'bullshit'. So let me translate it to 'English' for you."

I frown.

Alex: "That's not what I meant."

Persicaria: "What I mean is that you weren't lying about her losing her memory every time she dies."

Alex: "It was just a hunch or . . Merely a theory."

Persicaria: "Yes but this is where the freaky part comes in."

She grabs her laptop and sits in her chair and slides across the room. I follow suit, but just . . Walking.

Persicaria would open her laptop and do a bit of typing. After she was done she would show me. So I take a look at what she did.

Persicaria: "She still has them. But they have been pushed to the back of her mind. Some anyway . . Most are indeed gone."

Alex: "That . . Is pretty freaky."

She would nod.

Persicaria: "Yes . . It was a sight for sore eyes that's for sure."

I look at my watch. Persicaria would see this and tilt her head.

Persicaria: "Got somewhere to be?"

I shrug.

Alex: "I guess? Though I think M4 will be fine."

Persicaria: "She's been trained well. However . . She doesn't like to think all the time."

Alex: "What do you mean like that?"

Persicaria: "There are going to be harsh decisions down the road, Alex."

Alex: ". . You know, sending 4 T-Dolls out into the wilderness with Mortal bodies isn't great right? Every single T-Doll but those 4 are immortal."

Persicaria: "I know . . I dislike doing it."

I put my hand on her shoulder.

Persicaria: "There . . Is something else I need you to do for me."

I tilt my head and she turns to look at me.

Persicaria: "Find them all . . Please . ."

Alex: "I will."

Ots-14: "Commander. You're finally back."

Alex: "Yea. What's been going on here?"

Aug Para: "Nothing really . . Just normal stuff actually."

M82A1 would sit back on a couch and kick her feet up on a table.

M82A1: "I already don't like being couped up here."

MCX: "I'm sure we'll get moving soon."

KSVK would pour two cups of coffee and walk over. She'd put one in front of me. I look at her a bit confused.

KSVK: "You look like you needed one, Alex."

I chuckle.

Alex: "Thanks."

I take it from her and she smiles.

M82A1: "When do we start to move?"

I sit next to M82A1.

The Fight For Humanity - Girl's Frontline (Remake)(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now