Chapter 3

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You stood in the elevator to go to the lower layers of Zaun. You gripped your bag close to you, watching around to make sure no one would try to steal anything. You were wearing a black hoodie that had skeleton rib cage and and arms painted onto it with bleach, the hood was up, attempting to cover your face so no one would recognize you. You had black ripped pants on with black platform boots that made you a few inches taller. Hidden under your hoodie you had a utility-like belt on that held knives. You knew from your experience in Zaun, you couldn't just walks around without being prepared for a fight. The elevator eventually got to the level you needed to get to so you exited it. You walked down the dark streets of Zaun, having a bit of nostalgia as the little lady that ran the whore house waved as she saw you. You guessed that your attempt at hiding your identity failed miserably and you waved back. It seemed all the shitty things in Zaun was more off putting than before you moved to Piltover. The abuse of animals, the pickpocketing of the weak, the stealing from small businesses that were just trying to make any money they could. You continued walking until you reached your destination. The Last Drop. When you entered the bar, luckily no one really paid attention to you. The place was packed like usual, people making sketchy deals and such. The music was quite loud also, as it usually was when it was night. You went up to the counter and sat down. You spotted the big bearded man with tattered clothes on the other side of the counter. He came over, immediately recognizing you, "(Y/n)!" Vander tried his best not to exclaim it too loud to get attention directed towards you.

"Hey Vander." You smiled, glad to see a familiar face. "It's good to see you."

"I thought you were never going to visit again. Left us for those damn topsiders." Zander smirked at you.

You fake gasped, "How dare you."

He chuckled. "Would you like anything to drink?"

"The strongest shit you got." You answered, resting your head on your hand.

Vander reached underneath the counter for a cup to begin making the drink. "You seem stressed. Is being an enforcer not everything you dreamed of?" Vander was always good at telling your mood, since you were young really. He could guess any mood you had, he never got it wrong. But the why was always a bit harder for him.

"No, no. It's what I dreamed of and more." You didn't miss a beat replying. "But it is stressful. I mean on my first shift I somehow got myself on a homicide case and we are getting absolutely nowhere on it. And then, because apparently that stress wasn't enough, Marcus-"

"Who's this Marcus?" Vander tried to follow along. "Do I need to beat his ass?"

You chuckled, "No, he's an... okay guy? Basically he's a higher up positioned enforcer but he failed his psych check so he can't really do any serious big cases, basically only beginner shifts. Although he was able to supervise me when I was interrogating some girl." Vander placed the drink he made in front of you then leaned on the counter to listen. The drink was yellow to orage in a short cup. "Basically he showed up at my apartment at 3 am."


"That's what I said! But, he said that he wanted me to talk to him about the case and tell him all the details so he can help solve it, i denied and said that I agreed with the captain, it was too much for his mental health. But then he said he would open up about his problems if I told him about the case and I agreed." You felt good getting your problems off of your chess. "We're meeting at my apartment at 11 tonight."

"Well you certainly got yourself in an interesting situation." Vander cleared his throat and stopped leaning on the counter. "I'm guessing you'd like to visit the kids?"

"Yes, I promised them, I'm pretty sure Mylo will track me down himself if I don't." You chuckled, taking a sip of the drink.

"Well you came at a perfect time, everyone's in the back, and Ekko is visiting so he's back there too."

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