Chapter 4

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You woke up with a tear stained face. You sighed, remembering the events of last night. As soon as Marcus left, you totally broke. The thought that Vi hated you and that You betrayed the undercity. It honestly just made you break. You didn't want to feel abandoned or feel like you abandoned them. You hit snooze on your alarm clock so many times, you were running late. You got ready as fast as you could, although you were destined to be late. You quickly got into your Enforcer uniform, double checking in your half asleep state to make sure you didn't forget anything. You did everything in your morning routine as bare minimum as you could. "Come on Mylo, please don't cause trouble this morning." You groaned. Mylo barked back at you as you snapped on his vest and collar, then putting is leash on him. You exited your apartment and went through the bustling streets of Piltover.

When you got to work, as soon as you entered, Marcus greeted you. "Hello (y/n)." He seemed to be in a less mean and aggravated look than normal. Actually, he seemed almost nice for once, which was definitely off-putting. 

"Didn't I tell you to get a life?" You asked, really just not in the mood for whatever he wanted to bother you with. There was no other explanation for him being anything similar to nice, he definitely wanted to bother you with something.

"In kinder words but yes." Marcus answered through gritted teeth, taking everything in his willpower to not insult you on the spot. He sighed, releasing his anger. Or at least that's what it looked like. "I was wondering why you were late, you're never late to anything. That's one of the big rules actually."

You glared at Marcus before one of the people that trained Mylo came over. The small boy had obviously more recently started the hob since he was quite nervous approaching you. His posture was bad, looking like he didn't want to be a bother by taking up too much space. "I'll just take him, we'll tell you what he should know so far when you pick him up."

"Of course. Thank you." You smiled softly at him before looking back at Marcus with a glare. "My alarm clock didn't go off."

"You seem in a very bad mood. You keep bothering me to open up, what about you?" Marcus followed me as I was walking to my desk. You couldn't tell if he was honestly worried or if he was just trying to get revenge for you making him talk about his problems. Either way, you felt like he was right and that you could honestly trust him. If he did expose your secrets, you could just do the same thing with his. 

When you got to your desk, you turned towards him. "Fine. Do you really want to hear about it?" Marcus nodded. "Well, I went to the Undercity last night, as you know. Well I was visiting my friends and I hung out with them for a few hours, mostly everyone was acting normal but I noticed my closest friend was acting weird. So when I left the room, I had her follow me and when I asked her about it, she said I betrayed the Undercity by becoming an enforcer, and I betrayed her and-" Your speech started to speed up, showing your emotional response to what you were talking about. The lights around the office had begun to look blurry as your eyes teared up.

Marcus noticed this quickly and tried his best to calm you down. "Hey, hey, calm down. We can talk about this more when we meet up tonight, okay. But just know, you didn't betray them-"

"Excuse me?" A stranger's voice interrupted Marcus, making you turn towards whoever the voice was coming from. It was a really big and muscular guy in regular Piltover clothes, almost making you question why he was in the station. He was white with a freshly shaved head. "Do you know where Grayson is? I'm turning my badge in."

You quickly wiped your eyes before shaking your head. "Just drop it off at the front desk." Marcus told him, annoyed at the man for just intruding on the conversation.

He nodded and walked away so you looked back at Marcus. "You're being a hero (Y/n), and following your dream. Your friend will come to terms with that eventually, and if not, you have your other undercity friends. Plus you have new Piltover friends. So, don't let it affect you."

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