attack of the collection agency

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No one pov.

It had been 6 months since saren and sovereign had been defeated. And now the Normandy crew were hunting geth activity outside of the veil. X.O. Pressly was complaining as usual about the mission while Joker flew. All was quiet in the sector as the Normandy soared through space. "We're wasting our time. 4 days searching up and down this sector and we haven't found any sign of geth activity." Pressly complained.

"3 ships went missing here in the past month. Something happened to him." Joker stated as he stared ahead.

"Maybe they got transported to 6 dimension." Pressly joked before hearing Ensign speak.

"Picking up something on long range scanners. Unidentified vessel. Looks like a cruiser." She said as she pulled up a better scan.

"Doesn't match any know cruisers." Joker announced to them.

"Crusier is changing course. Now on intercept trajectory."

"Can't be. Stealth systems are engaged. There's no way a geth ship could-" Pressly argued before Joker interrupted.

"That's not geth. BRACE FOR EVASIVE MANUVERS!" Joker announced over the comm as everyone ran getting prepared. The ship began to rock as the unidentified cruiser fired at them. Joker heard his 2 friends die as he yelled instruction for them. Down below fires raged as 6 ran past everyone to get to Shepard. Lilith had just put on her helmet when 6 arrived.

"Lilith!" 6 cried as got near her.

"Distress beacon has been activated. Prepare to launch." She said as she hit some buttons on a console.

"Think the alliance will get here in time?"

"They better cause I'm not activating beacons just to find dead bodies." Lilith said tossing a fire extinguisher. "Get everyone on the escape shuttles."

"Jokers still in the cockpit. He won't evacuate." 6 told her as he sprayed some fire down before muttering something. "Neither will I. Not til you're safe."

"I need you to get the crew onto the evac shuttles. I'll take care of joker." Lilith said as 6 sighed before an explosion rocked them a bit.

"Fine but if you die I'm gonna be very upset with you." 6 joked as he raced off to the crew. Lilith sounded the evacuation order. "MOVE! MOVE!" 6 yelled as the explosions got more intense. He looked back out seeing someone flew slamming into a wall. He cursed under his breathe before closing the hatch. He looked in to see Rex and roxie strapped in makeshift dog harnesses. He then looked out watching as more beams hit the ship. It exploded rught as the final pod launched. He smiled and sat there unable to shake the feeling of dread as he flew away with the rest. Something was wrong.

6 pov.

It had been hours since we were picked up by alliance frigates and due to the Normandy being gone as a central location for our radios to work through I was unable to contact Lilith. The only thing that had kept my nerves were Kaidan, Liara and the dogs. I looked over at roxie who was on her side panting as Rex comforted her. I smiled seeing them thinking when their liter will be born when the hatch opened. Their was admiral Hatchett. I had been presented before the defense council when they caught wind of me. Shepard and Anderson had both vouched for me and I was recognized as a human at least but not apart of their society. Understanding. I was always a lone wolf sorta. But after that I had spent most of my free time trying to track that signal that Gannon had sent.

"Good to see you're still alive." Hatchett said as I climbed out. I nodded shaking his hand before making my way over to Shepards pod. When I saw it was open joker was crying.

"Where is she?" I asked feeling my breathe trembling. Joker just muttered about how it all happened so fast. I grabbed him by the collar lifting him up. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" I yelled as I felt someone trying to get me to calm down. "WHERE IS LILITH JOKER?!"

"She didn't make it to the pod. The last signal I got was life signitures lost from her suit." Joker said crying as I set him down and fell to my knees letting the tears fall to the steel floor. My heart had felt like it was just crushed by a super mutant behemoth and what was left of that puddle of mush was stepped on my reality. I let out a horrific cry of pain as I slammed my fist into the floor.

"6... i..." Liara tried to comfort me as I pushed her off. Everything I had was taken from me. First my sister and niece. Now Lilith. Everything was gone. I felt myself curl up into a ball as all the voices of my friends died out. The last thing I said to her was a joke. Not I love you. Not be safe. A joke.

The greatest courier in the galaxy: 6 and the collection Agency. (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now