nothing to worry about

206 8 2

6 pov.

I looked up at the ceiling. I was in the infirmary currently. The last thing I remembered was passing out during an examination by Dr. Chakwas. I sat up feeling a bunch of bandages. The bandages seemed fresh. I sat up and saw Dr. Chakwas was looking down at something. "Hey doc what's going on?" I asked but got no response. "Doc!" I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. I felt light and walked over. "Dr. Chakwas. I'm up." I went to pat her shoulder and was quite startled as it passed through. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" I waved my hand through her head and body. It passed through like it was mist. I shook my head and looked at my hand and tried to touch my own chest only to find it pass through as well. "Whats going on?" I looked over to the door as it opened to see Lilith walk in.

"Dr. Chakwas hows 6?" Lilith asked calmly yet in an unsteady voice.

"His condition hasn't changed Lilith. It's been 3 hour's. I'll let you know if something changes." Dr. Chakwas sighed. I guess she was out of patience. Lilith walked past Chakwas to where I was originally laying. I watched and as surprised to see myself still on the table. I blinked quickly but the scene didn't change. She rubbed my hand before leaving I walked over to my body and saw I was pale as hell. An iv tube had been set up with blood transfusions.

"Am I dreaming?" I ask aloud staring at myself.

"AAAAHHHNNNTTTT!" A voice trying to imitate a buzzer sounded in front of me. I looked up to see another me. This version of me looked to be 20. He was young and held a smirk on his face as he sat on a operation table with his arms crossed. "What you're experiencing is best described as an out of body experience."

"Why?" I asked him I mean myself I mean us.

"Fuck if I know. I'm your conscience. I know what you know. Whether you remember or not doesn't matter to me. I know it all." He, I, us, whatever explained.

"Is this cause I'm nearly death?"

"Most likely." I watched as I shrugged.

"What the fuck should I call you? I'm getting a migraine trying to understand this."

"Call me James you fucking moron." James rolls his eyes in annoyance. "How are you still alive?"

"We both understand that neither of us know the answer right?" I point out before James let out a sigh of annoyance. He jumped off the bed and reached across smacking my face.

"OW!" I held my cheek as I felt the sting. "How are you able to hit me yet I can't touch shit?"

"Cause I'm you're fucking conscience." He smiled giving a tooth grin. "Now shut up and listen." He snapped his fingers and the entire scenery changed. I looked around and saw a snowy mountain top I recognized.

"Why are we here? How are we here?" I asked looking around seeing the smouldering remains of my childhood home.

"It's a place of importance. Just like Shepards bedroom is as well. Every place I'm going to show you has significance to us. Shaped us into what we are." James said I as looked around noticing now that everything seemed suspended. The ash seemed stuck in the air. I then look around seeing me at my lowest. I'm on my hands and knees mid-scream. I stare sadly.

"Why am I seeing this?" I asked as the emotions came rushing into me.

"Probably life flashing before your eyes or something." James shrugged as the scene shifted to California. I saw myself inside the Mojave express. It was my first day when I started down this path. I was just delivering simple orders between NCR personnel. I shook my head remembering how hopeful I was. It was the start of my journey as 6.

"Ah, I remember this place. Courier Morrigan was a real asshole always stealing others' orders and collecting the money after." I remembered vaguely as he was found shot outside one of the outposts and the package he had stolen lost. The funny thing was someone had collected the fee but it wasn't him.

As the memory changed, it slowly shifted into a scene from reno. I was standing over a body of a raider as a family thanked me. It was when I realized the ugliness of humanity in the wasteland. He was trying to do unspeakable things to the family when I stumbled upon them.

"Not the worst delivery, I've done." I say to James as it changes to me in a roving trader outfit with my face wrapped as I come upon the divide carrying a device of untold destruction. Despite the bad weather, the people who lived there were an outlier for the savage wastelands, and that ended because of me. "I'm sorry, Ulysses."

I shuddered at the memory as it changed to a Mojave express as I was with 5 others with orders to get to new vegas to Mr. House. I had developed a dislike to the NCR and declined an escort when I had been captured just outside goodsprings.

"Why am I seeing all this?" I turn to James as he sat on a headstone. The scene of Benny holding me at gun point as the 1911 fired was frozen in action as I walked over.

"I told you -"

"No, you were vague. And since you're me, I know that means you know." I stomped over to him as I grabbed his collar. "Now start talking or so help me!"

"You're gonna kick your own ass?" James chuckled as I growled. "Fine, I'll cave, but only because fighting me is too ironic for me to enjoy." I set him down as the scene changed once again to the cabin, but this time not in smoke. We walked inside, and each sat in a chair in front of a blazing fire.

"So why are we here again?" I ask as James put his feet up on a coffee table.

"God, you ask way too many questions sometimes. You're here cause you're making a choice. As said, I'm your conscience. Thus, in a way, I'm your past. You are your present self. The only thing is your future self, which we can get a small glimpse of due to speculation. But there in lies a problem." From the fireplace flames danced showing 2 faces. Liliths and Liaras. I stared at them as they both smiled. I looked away ashamed.

"So basically, my whole body is in conflict because of this dilemma?" I asked as I looked at James.

"Yeah, and to solve it, we gotta look at who you might become." I heard the door open and looked back, seeing myself again walk in towards me. He wore the ranger riot armor with the helmet on.

"So tell us kid what do you want?"

The greatest courier in the galaxy: 6 and the collection Agency. (book 2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt