recruiting archangel.

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Lilith pov.

It was an easy fight with the mercs at first. Especially since they thought we were on their side. And shooting their backs. But it was actually nice to be back in the fray. A couple times I got hit by archangel but only concussive rounds and body shots. It also helps that I reprogrammed their YMIR mech. Now we're at the doors to Archangel. A turian from what I could tell by the armor. I opened the door and got ready to speak when he held up a finger. Looking into the lobby I saw a lon.e merc hiding behind a couch only to drop dead.

"You archangel?" I ask trying to be polite as I heard a familiar chuckle..

"And here I thought my savior would be by mail." I saw archangel take his helmet off showing the best turian to ever take on saren.

"GARRUS?!" I cry and hug him. "What are you doing out here?" I hear him chuckled as he hugs back.

"I did alot of work to get here. If we make it out if here I'll tell you how." Garrus said looking out. "Now let's see what we got." He grabbed his sniper looking at the bridge barricade. He then handed it to me. "Scouts."

I look through the scope and fire a round right through the loki mechs head. "One less. Let's get ready." I say as I hand it back. Miranda, Jacob and I ran back down the stairs. We set up near the bottom of them as eclipse mercs rush in. It didn't take long as asari, human and salarians littered the ground around us.

"Good job Shepard they didn't even touch me." Garrus said as we walked back to meet him. "Somethings wrong. They should have sent the next wave already." Garrus omni-tool went off. "They're trying to breach the lower levels get down there Shepard I'll hold them up here."

"I'm not leaving you alone. Jacob stay here and protect Garrus." I say as he nods. Me and Miranda run down the stairs getting to a couple open doors going in 3 directions. I rushed forward smacking a button as the door shutters closed. Miranda motioned to another set of doors on my right. I rushed over opening it to show a garage filled with vorcha, krogan, and varren charging at us.

"Gotta love how popular archangel is." Miranda remarked as I opened fired at them landing a shot on a flame throweraking it explode burning a krogan.

"He's always been a cool guy." I joke sliding into cover. "Let's just hurry up and close these shutters."

Time skip.

Rushing around and fighting krogan and varren and vorcha was a work out due to how frequently they appeared. In the end we clear out the lower levels rushing back to see a large krogan rushing up the stairs. I shot at him a couple times before he taking more cover as blood pack members rushed forward. I cursed under my breathe before seeing the krogan from before topple over the railing of the second floor as garrus yelled out.

"TAKE THAT YOU FREAK OF NATURE!" He stated before firing a few more rounds at the remaing members. I smirked and got up firing at them making them fall fast. Losing their leader must have broke them a bit. "Nice job Shepard they barely touched me. Get up here and we'll discuss what's next." I went back up the steps and listened to garrus plan. "With 2 of the 3 merc teame gone we might be able to rush the bridge. They won't expect it and we can-" that's when a gunships engines fired loud and appeared in front of us.

"I'VE GOT YOU NOW ARCHANGEL!" Then the pilot fired rockets at us. Garrus got hit by either the Shockwave or debris falling to the ground unmoving.

"NO!" I cried as I pulled out my grenade launcher firing at the gunship. It took a couple hits as blue sun mercs flooded in but I took it down. I tossed the grenade launcher aside and running to garrus side. "Please don't die. Please garrus." I plead as I felt my chest tightening before seeing him gasp and clench his talons a bit. "I NEED PICKUP NOW! PREP THE  MEDICAL BAY!"


6 hours later.

No one pov.

Shepard paced the Normandy meeting room as Jacob tried to reassure her. "Doc doesn't know when he'll wake up but he should make it." Jacob said as they hear the doors slide open to show a scarred garrus standing cockily.

"Doc said I should be clear to be put in the field tomorrow." Garrus stated before turning to Shepard. "No one gave me a mirror how do I look?"

"Hell you were always ugly garrus now you have a face to prove it." Lilith joked as everyone laughed as Garrus groaned holding his cheek.

"Oh careful I don't want to break the stitching." He sighed letting his hand fall before taking a seat. Jacob left the room as Lilith sat a couple chairs away. "Got something for ya." He pulled out a piece of paper sliding it her way. She caught it and held it up to see a very vintage postcard.

 She caught it and held it up to see a very vintage postcard

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"Who sent you such an ancient thing?" She asked smiling.

"Flip it over." He explained as she flipped the cards in her hand to show a short message.

"Hey Garrus. Just wanted to let you know I finally got settled in at my new planet. Sorry I have spoke to you for awhile just been a bit busy. Come by and visit. If you get lost ask the post office they'll direct you to my place."

Signed- 6.

"So 6 is alive?" Lilith asked as garrus stroked his chin.

"Well I wouldn't say alive. That implies he's doing good. I'd say he's getting by." Garrus admitted. "I tried visiting but things on omega got complicated. I'll explain more if you want when you swing by the main gun battery." The turian stood up and started to leave. "By the way Shepard."

Lilith looked up at him. "What is it?"

"It's good to have you back." He admitted with guilt and hope in his. voice.

"He seems to have an array of emotions washing over him." EDI stated from the comms as Lilith nodded.

"Alright get Jacob and Zaeed ready to go back to omega. We have a doctor to save." Lilith requested getting up. She grabbed the postcard and smiled putting it in her pocket.

-on Silva

??? Pov.

Gunshots rang out as I ran. What the hell even is this. I'm just a courier not a mercenary.

"GOTTA BE QUICKER THAN THAT KID!" I heard the boss cry out as I slide into cover. I was just some farmboy trying to make some money not die. I breathed heavy as I looked around before seeing my way out. A terminal. Ma always made sure I knew how to play around with this fancy tech. I poked my head put slightly seeing nothing before making a mad dash forward my arm was stretched out before I felt my shoulder get grabbed.

"PLEASE DON'T!" I begged as I hid a hand over my face.

"Sorry kid game was rigged from the start." His voice said as I look up at him. He held a .45 pistol to my head. His smirk showing all he needed too.


The greatest courier in the galaxy: 6 and the collection Agency. (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now