the return of a spectre

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No pov.

Lilith was hugging Tali before they departed. "Hey before you leave Tali," Shepard pulled back from her, "have you heard from 6?"

Talis shoulders dipped slightly. "Not since you died. He said he was off to find his people. Though word did reach me of a new human settlement in the terminus system though. Goodbye Shepard."

Tali took Veetor on her ship leaving the human settlement before Lilith and her team left on a shuttle vehicle back to the cerberus station. As she stepped off she immediately went to the vid-com to talk to the Illusive man.

"Shepard good work on freedoms progress. Tbe quarians forwarded their findings from Veetor's briefing. No new data, but it's a surprising olive branch given our history." The Illusive man said puffing on a cigarette. "You and I have different methods but I can't argue results."

"You ever think of playing nice for once?" Lilith smirked before sighing remembering how 6 use to joke.

"Diplomacy is great when it works, but difficult when everyone already perceives you as a threat." He countered as the conversation continued. "But more importantly you confirmed the reapers were behind the abductions."

"Why do I get the feeling you knew about them already?" Lilith questioned crossing her arms.

"I've had my suspicions but you confirmed it." He stated before continuing. "And to fight the collectors we'll need more than just you this time."

"You need an army." Lilith scoffed.

"Or a good team. I've had my people prepare dossiers for you. Now I'm not one to be direct but I would recommend getting Dr. Mordin first. He may be able to create a counter measure to whatever causes the colonist to become paralyzed."

"I had a good team." Lilith stated. "Besides I might be able to use my spectre status to get some help." She explained as the Illusive man puffed his cigarette again.

"I wouldn't count on the council but I'll leave that up to your discretion." He said getting ready to end the call.

"Where is 6?" Lilith stood there after her being revived. The illusive man had spent Billions and 2 years rebuilding her now she was to save the galaxy again.

"My informant has already forwarded the dossier to you." He flicked his cigarette into an ash tray. "Now you need a crew and a ship and a pilot. I think you'll find my choice fitting." He ended the call as Shepard muttered to herself.

"I'll find him after I find Mordin." Lilith said to herself after the meeting. She then heard a bunch of barking and looked back to see a silhouette of a dog and a limping man.

"Hey commander." Joker smiled as she hugged him before leaning down and petting Rex as he barked happily getting super excited. "Yeah so the Alliance split us all up. Acted like nothing happened. We all went our separate ways."

"Keep in contact with anyone?" Lilith asked as she kept pace with him.

"Not really but I've heard rumors. Something about an entirely new planet colony of humans and aliens that the alliance is funding." Joker said as they got to an observation window.

"How are we even going to get there?" Lilith asked before Joker pointed through the window.

"I think that will help." Joker said as they looked out to see the SR2 Normandy. Rex barked loudly before Lilith asked a new question.

"Where's Roxie?" She asked looking around.

"Oh she's taking care of a robo dog litter." Joker said. "They already made her and Rex a dog house on the Normandy."

"Really?" Lilith asked as she laughed.

"Yeah when the engineers heard there were gonna be dogs they decided to make one as a pet project. Able to be sealed in incase if space exposure. Like say a hole letting in the vacuum of space." Joker explained as Lilith smiled.

"6 would love that."

"Who knows." Joker sighed. "It really broke him when he learned."

"What did he do?" Lilith asked.

"He told me some things. Things better heard from him. Also told me to take care or Rex and Roxie. Next thing I knew no one heard from him again. Didn't tell anyone anything really. Just saying he had to find his people. They needed him."

"Sounds like the big softie as always." Lilith smiled. "I hope he's safe."

Passed out in a bar somewhere 6 laid there under a table with bottles of Rynchol around him.

"I'm sure he is. Now let's get to the Normandy. I can't wait to fly my baby again." Joker smiled as Rex barked before chasing his tail.

"Can't wait." Lilith said pulling out her omni-tool. "In the meantime I'll read dossiers available to me." She instantly looked at mordins since he was first on the list.

Dr. Mordin Solus

- Biological weapons expert
- Light weapons training with Salarian Special Tasks Group

Dr. Mordin Solus is a salarian biological weapons expert whose technology may hold the key to countering Collector attacks. He is currently operating a medical clinic in the slums of Omega.

"Hmm very interesting." She said before going to Archangel.


- Small-unit tactical expertise
- Omni-tool expert and noted sniper

Archangel is a mercenary commander whose operations are noted for their technical expertise and strategic brilliance. He is responsible for high-profile attacks on gang leaders on Omega and can likely be found there.

"That will be useful. Snipers are good in the field." She then went to the convict.

Jack (no last name known)

- Exceptional biotic ability
- Note: Criminal background, currently in custody

Jack is rumored to be the most powerful human biotic ever encountered. Very little additional data regarding Jack is available, except that the subject has a history of violence and should be approached carefully. Currently, Jack is being held on the turian prison ship Purgatory. Cerberus has negotiated for the prisoner's release.

"Very concerning to read. But might put Kaidan to shame." She chuckled reading the warlords.

Dr. Okeer

- Millennia of combat and strategic experience
- Rumored familiarity with Collector technology

A brilliant and brutal krogan warlord who fought in the Krogan Rebellions, Dr. Okeer has become obsessed with saving the krogan people from the genophage and is believed to have contacted the Collectors in an attempt to gain technology to that end. He is currently in a Blue Suns camp on Korlus, though the nature of his relationship with the mercenary group is unknown.

"Any information will be useful no matter how insignificant." She then went to Courier 6 dossier.

6 [real name unknown]

-chaotic hand to hand fighter
-slightly anarchist obsessed with protecting loved ones.
-Explosives expert.

6 is a man from another world and fights like a bear on enhancements. Due to his history with Shepard and with the previous crew of the Normandy it was a surprise he ended up on omega. After thar he disappeared for a short time before reappearing in the Omega nebulas in the Farthar System on Silva. The entire planet had been terraformed thanks to the current inhabitants that are believed to be from the same dimension as 6. Working with the alliance they turned it into a thriving planet of a mining, produce colony. Additionally data on planet is unavailable. Lost track of 6 on the planet after hearing how he took up being a delivery boy.

"Oh 6 I'm so glad you found them. I hope you found those you were looking for." Lilith sighed looking down as they boarded the Normandy. "Time to save the galaxy."

The greatest courier in the galaxy: 6 and the collection Agency. (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now