prison break

381 10 8

6 pov.

I sat in the mess hall as I drank coffee.  It was delicious. It's been a rough day for me. Shepard came and talked with me after she brought back a tank with a krogan in it. She asked what I've been up too and how I've been. I answered truthfully. Like shit. I told her how I've felt and what I did on Silva. Tried starting over. And now here I am drinking coffee waiting to drop out of a jump to go break out a prisoner. Or sorry pick up a paid for prisoner. Sounds like slayer to me but whatever.

I feel the ship drop out as Joker took proper control. To anyone else it would be impossible to notice. But for some reason I felt everything. I stood up making my way to the armory seeing Jacob working out. He was doing push ups shirtless. "Hey 6 what's up?"

"Just here to grab my guns for the next mission." I say quickly looking at him sideways. I walk over to the fair wall and open a locker pulling out the dinner bell and darkness in the light. I then threw on my leather duster and helmet. I felt relieved as I breathed through the built in filter. Similar to how talis mask was. Wonder how she's doing. I then leave walking past to the elevator. I press down to cargo bat and was shocked when the elevator opened way to soon. In stepped Miranda as in next to me giving a smirk.

"Well well if it isn't the plastic woman." I scoffed as I rolled my eyes under my helmet.

"I understand you don't like cerberus but please let's keep this civil." Miranda remarked.

"Don't like is a the major under statement of the century." I say as I shake my head. "Look just don't bother me."

"Fair enough." She answered as I then walked out of the ship to see Lilith armed to the teeth. She was putting a grenade launcher on her back.

"I see we're going to war." I comment as I get into the zodiac.

"We're going to a prison. You can never be too careful." Lilith shrugged as her and mirranda stepped in. I nodded and sat down before it took off towards a prison in space. The purgatory. As we landed I was instantly greeted by blue sun mercs.

"Well fuck." I sighed as I put a hand on my 45.

"Please release your weapons to us. They will be returned upon your departure." One of the mercs said as I tightened my grip on my 45.

"Sorry not happening." Lilith said as a turian with tattoo on his face. He glared slightly at us. Then his face showed defeat.

"We have more than enough security. Let them through." He said as I let go of my pistol.

"Follow me. Jack is right through here." I get a look from Miranda. It said that obviously somethings not right. I nod patting my holster before giving a fist. She nodded as i was hoping she understood that I meant stay vigilant. We followed Lilith along a glass cat walk over looking a well tended prison. I noticed how electric collars were on everyone. I rubbed my neck remembering the Sierra Madre.

"This seems like a really cruel place." I say looking out at the prison.

"Unfortunately it's necessary. What else are we to do with the scum of the galaxy when not even their own governments will do anything?" The Warden questioned rhetorically.

"If they are then execute them." I say looking at him out of patience. "Or rehabilitate them."

"I wish it were possible." I could tell he didn't mean it but didn't say anything.

"Jack is right at the end of processing. After the funds have been transferred you can leave." He said as I could have sworn I heard a sinister tone. I brushed it off a bit but went on full alret as we passed by a prisoner getting beaten. Lilith got them to stop as the guard observing seemed either concerned or bored. We continued on getting to a room labeled processing. I say a single man inside doing paperwork. I immediately knew it was a trap and went up to Lilith.

The greatest courier in the galaxy: 6 and the collection Agency. (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now