3. My Lullaby

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Cersei and Tyrion were arguing, what a surprise. The argument started with Tyrion asking about Jaime and Cersei complaining about his wish to be independent. “He shouldn’t even be this over-protected. I am supposed to be the heir to our father, not him.” she complained. “I am smart, and beautiful, and cunning, and dangerous. He should give me a chance. I could ask him.”
As the dwarf saw Tywin's horse, a smirk creeped up on his lips. “Oh, yeah? Well, there's your chance,” he laughed, nodding towards the horse.

As soon as he got down from horseback, he started to scold Cersei about leaving Jaime alone in the woods. “It's not her fault, Father, I wanted to go on my own…” he vouched for his sister. His gaze turned even more sour at Jaime. “And you! Do you remember who took Casterly Rock from us?” “Eddard…” “And who killed your mother?” “E-Eddard!” “You really thought that you could just walk up to him and his daughter and he'd welcome you with open arms? What an idea!” He spat at his scared son. His gaze changed as realization hit him and a plan formed in his head. “What an idea!” he said. Jaime was even more scared now. "Brilliant child, you have the same cunning mind your mother had." Tywin then dragged Jaime towards his bed.

“It is past your bedtime. You must be exhausted…”

Sleep, my little Jaime
Let your dreams take wing
One day when you're big and strong
You will be a king
Jaime yawned. “Good night…” “Good night, my little prince. Tomorrow your training intensifies…”

I've been exiled, persecuted
Left alone with no defense
When I think of what that brute did
I get a little tense
But I dream a dream so pretty
That I don't feel so depressed
'Cause it soothes my inner kitty
And it helps me get some rest

The sound of Eddard's dying gasp
His daughter squealing in my grasp
His wolves' mournful cry
That's my lullaby

Now the past I've tried forgetting
And my foes I could forgive
Trouble is, I knows it's petty
But I hate to let them live

Cersei joined the song.

So you found yourself somebody who'd chase Eddard up a tree

Oh, the battle may be bloody, but that kind of works for me
The melody of angry growls
A counterpoint of painful howls
A symphony of death, oh my!
That's my lullaby
Joanna is gone... but Tywin's still around
To love this little lad
Till he learns to be a killer
With a lust for being bad!

Cersei sang with disgust.

Sleep, you little termite!
Uh-- I mean, precious little thing!

Unlike his sister, Tyrion was more excited.

One day when you're big and strong

You will be a king!
The pounding of the drums of war
The thrill of Jaime's mighty roar

The joy of vengeance

I can hear the cheering

Cersei lacked excitement and Tyrion didn’t.

Jaime! What a guy!

Payback time is nearing
And then our flag will fly
Against a blood-red sky
That's my lullaby!

Maester Luwin painted Jaime and I on the stone walls. He marked his heart in red, representing the evil his family is putting in it. The spirit of Rickard Stark blew off a glass pot from the table and broke it, talking to Luwin. “What? Y/N and Jaime...” he started, grabbing the pot and closing it around our painted forms. “…together?” He took a moment to process it, and then started scolding Rickard. “Are you crazy?! This will never work! Rickard, you've been in there for too long, your head is in the clouds!” It was Rickard’s turn so scold him. “OK, OK, OK, OK! I just hope you know what you are doing!”

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