4. The Plot

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*4 years later*
“You are ready!” Tywin cackled. He circled around Jaime's almost grown self. He is almost a man now. “What must you do?” “I must go into King's Landing, get close to Eddard's daughter, follow in your footsteps and take my place as heir.” “And what will you do to Eddard?” “I will kill him!” The Lannisters cheered and yelled.

I walked out of the castle, my bow and arrows over my back and my sword attached to my hip. I was also followed by my direwolf Copper. My whole family smiled at me, encouraging me on my first hunt. There were Robb, Sansa, Jon, Theon and Osha. My parents waited for me in the end of the line. “Be careful, OK?” Ned asked me. “Yes, Father. Promise me you'll let me do this on my own.” My father contemplated the idea, and then sighed in defeat. “I promise.” I beamed at him before leaving. “Come, Copper.” The sable-colored canine trotted near me.
I paced on the grass of the Wolfswood, searching the terrain for game. My gaze met a bird on the tree. I cautiously nocked an arrow in my bowstring and aimed towards the birds. I slowly got closer, but accidentally stepped on a twig, making the bird fly away. I groaned and went on.

Cersei and Tyrion lit two torches and touched them to the grass, setting it on fire. Cersei cackled. “The Stark girl is going to die.” She spoke. “Hopefully, she will,” Tyrion agreed, feeling the flames with his sister.
Tywin and Jaime stood on top on a hill. “You know what you must do.” Jaime confirmed, his blonde hair moving under the breeze. “Go.” Tywin said, urging him forward.

After a couple more failures, the smell of smoke struck my nose. When I turned around, I saw flames and fire nearing, scaring lots of animals. “Go, Copper.” He whined, wanting to protect me. “Copper, go! I'll be fine, just go!” He ran away to the keep. I followed his steps to get away from the flames, but before I could save myself, smoke filled my lungs, making me black out.

I woke up outside the river bank, soaked in water, a rough tongue running over my face. I coughed up some water and stood up, coming face-to-face with a blonde boy. “Where am I..?” The blondie smirked. “You're safe. In Winterfell.” His words shocked me, and I looked around, recognizing the grey walls of the castle. “Winterfell? Why? Why did you bring me here?! Who do you think you are?!” I spat in his face. He let out a huff in response. “I think I'm the one that saved your life!” He exclaimed. I scoffed at him and tried to leave, but he stepped in my way. I walked on the opposite direction, only to be met by his form blocking my path. Copper bared his teeth in annoyance.

Then his features reminded me of someone; the boy I met when I was 12! “Jaime?” I questioned, hoping for his confirmation. He smiled at me as if saying ‘yes’. I beamed. Just then, my father confronted Jaime and my mother crushed my bones in her embrace. “You broke your promised, Father!” I said, upset. “It's a good thing I did. No more hunting for you, never again!” He said sternly.
“I was doing just fine, even before Jaime-” “Jaime?!” he said, unsheathing his sword and pointing it at Jaime. He responded by unsheating his own.
“What are you doing here?” Ned asked huskily. “My family ditched me. I humbly ask to join your people.” Jaime explained. “No!” My father replied without hesitation. “Ned, we owe him our daughter's life!” My mother reasoned. Ned paced around on the snow, thinking about his next move. “The lady is right, my lord. Your father’s law says that all debts shall not remain unpaid.” He gazed at Jaime. “Judge me for who I am. Or am I to be blamed for a crime I didn’t commit?” Jaime inquired. “Fine. I reserve judgement for now. We'll see who you really are.” Ned turned his back and made for the gate, my brothers, mother and Jory following. Jaime and I smiled at each other and followed my family.

“You have lots siblings now. And a direwolf.” Jaime noticed. I chuckled. “Yeah. My siblings are very annoying sometimes. But I love them a lot. And as for the direwolf, this is Copper.” I explained, calling Copper over. Jaime smiled. “He's beautiful, isn’t he?” “Of course. A beautiful wolf for a beautiful owner,” he commented, causing me to go red. Robb heard and glared at Jaime. “He heard.” I whispered to the blond and chuckled.

My father didn't let Jaime sleep inside, so he sat outside the castle. I decided to give him some furs. “Hey,” I started, draping the pelt over his shoulders. “Thank you for saving me today.” “It's no problem. And thank you for the pelts.” A smile formed on my lips. “And it looks like you need some hunting lessons.” He said cheekily. “And I suppose you could teach me?” He gave a dry “yeah”. Copper howled, as if calling me. “Coming.” I called out. “We start at dawn.” I said, flashing him one last smile before going into the castle.

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