8. Jaime's Exile

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Jaime walked towards the castle, his cut still bleeding. I was at the doors of the castle with my family, and in front was my father. When I noticed Jaime’s blonde hair and handsome features, I beamed. “Jaime!” I called his name. My voice caused a small smile to tug at his lips. I tried to walk to him, but my father ran ahead of me with a glare, which caused me to stop.

“Why have you come back?” My father asked menacingly. “Eddard, I had nothing to do with-” Ned cut him short. “You don't belong here!” “Please, I ask your forgiveness.” Jaime spoke with desperation in his voice. “Father, please, listen to him…” I begged my father.

“Silence!” He scolded me. “When you first came here, you asked for judgement, and I pass it now!” My hand flew to my mouth, suppressing my feelings. “Exile!” he yelled. “No!” I cried.

Evil as plain as the scar on his face

The people of Winterfell started throwing rocks at him, trying to get him to run away.
Deception (An outrage!)

Disgrace (For shame!)
He asked for trouble the moment he came

I tried to get to him, but Robb held me back. “Jaime!” I suppressed the tears that threatened to fall down. “Let me go!” I growled at him, squirming to get out of his grip.

Deception (An outrage!)
(He can't change his stripes)

Disgrace (For shame!)
(You know these Outsider types)

Evil as plain as the scar on his face
(See you later, agitator!)
Deception (An outrage!)

(Just leave us alone!)
Disgrace (For shame!)

(Traitor, go back with your own!)
He asked for trouble the moment he came
(See you later, agitator!)

Jaime ran out of the gates, the direwolves barking at him and chasing him.

Born in grief
Raised in hate
Helpless to defy his fate
Let him run
Let him live
But do not forget what we cannot forgive

I escaped Robb’s arms, but Sansa was quick to block me. “Jaime!”

And he is not one of us
He has never been one of us
He is not part of us
Not our kind
Someone once lied to us
Now we're not so blind
For we knew he would do what he's done
And we know that he'll never be one of us
He is not one of us

“Why, Father?” I asked horrified. “He is a Lannister, he tried to kill me!” “Why do you have to be so prejudiced?! He loves me! For me!” “Only because you're my daughter! He is following in Tywin's footsteps, and I must follow in my father's.” “You will never be Rickard!” I burst out and ran to my chambers, tears falling down my cheeks. I didn’t have the time to care about the shocked faces I left behind or my brother Jon running behind me.

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