7. The Ambush

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Jaime woke up particularly early the next morning. He stood just outside the castle, practicing his speech. “Y/N, Tywin has a plot and I am part of it, but I don't wanna be because…” he sighed. “… because I love you.” He considered himself ready and walked to my chambers. He knocked and I opened the door, happy to meet his eyes. “Y/N, I need to talk to you.” He was interrupted by my father. “Y/N, I don't want you talking with him.” His words made me flinch a little. “I want to talk to him.” I relaxed and my father led Jaime outside to talk to him.

“Tywin couldn’t let go of his hate, and then it cost him his wife.” Ned finished. “Whoa. I've never heard my father’s story that way.” Jaime had an upset look on his face. “Sometimes hate takes over a person's heart, but if raised well…” Ned moved some dirt from the ground with his foot, revealing a small plant growing under it. “…the next generation will grow better.”

A cackle from behind the trees interrupted their convo. “Eddard Stark…” a voice started. Jaime instantly recognized it. “…what are you doing out here, so… alone?” The owner of the voice emerged from the shadows. Tywin Lannister, followed by his children, Cersei and Tyrion Lannister. “You did a good job, Jaime.” Tywin continued, clicking a light bulb in Eddard’s mind. “You!” Ned growled at the boy. “No, I didn’t mean to, I…” He was cut off by Tywin giving order to attack. The Lannister guards attack Ned, and he managed to fight them off. Jaime tried to help him, but was knocked down by a guard.

They cornered Ned to a spot with a gigantic pile of logs, and Jaime ran it up. Tywin yelled for Jaime to kill him, and he fled, so Cersei went instead. It ended up that she was crushed by logs and killed. Ned got away.
Jaime ran to the logs and tried to dig Cersei out. Tywin shoved him out the way, and found Cersei struggling to breathe. He held her cheek as she drew her last breath and died.

“You!” Tywin accuse Jaime. “Do you have any idea of what you've done?! You betrayed your own blood! You betrayed your mother!” “I did what I thought was right.” Jaime replied calmly. Tywin violently clawed at his son's face, leaving a cut on his cheek with blood flowing out of it. “You killed your own sister!” “No!” Jaime ran away to Winterfell as fast as he could.

I saw my father limp towards the castle and I ran to meet him outside. He had a weak look on his face and had a few cuts. “Father, what happened?” I asked worriedly. “Jaime…ambush…” He said wealkly and fell to the ground. Robb, Jon and I carried him inside.

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