Chapter 2- Eyes of green and brown

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A/N Hahaha. You guys probably thought that I was going to start the fight between Stiyl Magnus and Beau. Well nope. This chapter is about, well you'll see. By the way, ELV belongs to ELV670 and Maxine to Hero_or_Villian

Reality is often disappointing. That is, it was. Now, reality can be whatever I want- Thanos, Avengers Infinity War

"ELV? Does anyone know where ELV is?" a random teacher at A Certain High School asked. "I think he's late" a random student said as everyone besides from Beau, Touma, Celeste and a student with black hair and blue eyes laughed. "I'm here" a black haired 16 year old male with one green eye and one brown eye walked into the room. At first glance no one would've thought anything of him cause besides from the scar above his green eye and his necklace he looked absolutely normal. But in reality he was actually the 9th ranked level 5 with the ability of reality manipulation.

 But in reality he was actually the 9th ranked level 5 with the ability of reality manipulation

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-------------------------------------------------------Name: ELV (stands for Extreme Lethal Violence)

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Name: ELV (stands for Extreme Lethal Violence)

Age: 16

Species: Esper/Human

Ability name: unknown

Esper Level: 9th ranked level 5

Ability: ELV has the strange ability to change reality just be clicking his fingers. It is unknown how this power works or why he has to click his fingers which is why it has the name unknown.

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