Chapter 5- The Element Trio

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Earlier that day

"Well well well the Omnitrix is in Academy City this will be fun" a female voice said laughing at the end of the of her sentence. The owner of the voice had reddish-purple coloured almond shaped eyes and with her hair being a shade of teal. She wore a cobalt blue biker's jacket over a red shirt and her jeans were so ripped and dirty you could barely tell that they were white and just like the man who would eventually attack Beau she had horns, but hers were electric blue. 

"You really think this a good idea?" another female said. This voice's owner looked similar to the other one but instead her outfit was lime green up top and dark green below with her horns being brown and hair being a simple white and she had a simple pixie cut. Both of the girls stood at 5'8 and had b cup breasts. 

"Of Couse Ash" the blue haired girl said. "Fine Audra. But I think that this is a terrible idea" the now known Ash said while Audra just laughed as Kai walked up with a bottle of alcohol and a container of fries in his hand. "As much as I hate to admit it, humans know how to make some good food" he said taking the final sip and then burned them with a fireball. 

Names: Kai, Ash and Audra

Age: 17, 15, 16

Species: Daemos 

Ability: Kai has mastery over fire, ash and magma. Ash has mastery over all plant life and can even speak to wolfs. Audra can just control lightning and electricity even studying Mikoto's moves to improve her own. All three of them can use magic but prefer to use their elemental powers but out of all three of them Ash has the strongest magic.

Notable Facts:
1. Despite only Audra and Ash being related by blood the three of them share a sibling like bond with Kai taking it upon to look after his 'sisters'.
2. With Ash being more level headed then Audra and Kai.
3. Audra like to act like the wild card but in reality she is scared of loosing her family.
4. They have came to Earth to find the Omnitrix because they need it for an unknown reason. 


"So what's the plan Kai?" Audra asked excited about fighting Beau with the Omnitrix. "Calm down Audra, we all know that if we don't come up with an actual plan, not your usual brawns over brains style cause that will most likely get you killed" Audra just yawned at her talking. "Boring, can we just attack" Kai just slapped her in the back of the head causing her to wince in pain. Ash just giggled at this as this happened a lot with Audra's restlessness. "Here is the plan" Ash started

Back to present time

"Why hello Omnitrix. My name is Kai" the Daemos said creating a flame in his hand as Mikoto backed away from sheer terror as she thought that Beau was dead and that she was next. "Been a while since I've heard that word" Beau said getting back up shocking Mikoto and Kai. "Now" Kai stopped Beau by shooting mini explosions behind him boosting him and kneed Beau in the chest and out of the alleyway. 

"So Had-" Ruiko started as Beau went flying past from Kai's kick as his body was half imprinted into the ground. "Run" Beau said as Kai appeared behind Ruiko. "Watch out" Hades said grabbing her as he kicked them away while Ruiko's arms was around Hades neck. "Leave them out of this" "Beau said barely able to rise as he considered using the Omnitrix. "I don't think so" Kai said as Mikoto's lighting surrounded him. 

"I suggest you don't ignore me" she yelled as Beau leapt out of the way just before he was struck. "Hey watch it Shocker" Beau yelled as Kai just unleashed an explosion sending Mikoto flying far enough back that she lost control of her lightning which went flying towards Kuroko's friend. "UIHARU" Kuroko shouted as a short black haired girl with flowers in her hair blinked as disappeared.  "Huh?" everyone said as the girl appeared next to Beau confused.

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