Chapter 9- Lightning vs Fire vs Darkness

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Mikoto paced back and forth while Hades just munched on some chips, watching her pace. "You want to calm down Princess, you're not going to do anything useful just pacing around" he said as he leans his head back, seeing the passed out Index, laying motionless. "Don't call me Princess, it's Misaka to you" she said, still pacing, feeling helpless to help either the nun or the shapeshifter. "Oh, it's Mikoto for Beau then" Hades smirked as he finished his final chip. "W-what, no, I mean yes, I mean" her face became a blushing mess, her cheeks going as red as Beau's jacket.

"You like him, don't you" Hades smirk grew as Mikoto turned around and slammed her hands on the table. "I do not" she said her face turning even more red. "Sure" Hades didn't believe her for a second. "So where do you think he is, it's been about 6 hours since he left" Mikoto said, worried about the shape shifting boy. "Probably in a fight or something" without warning Touma and Celeste barged into the apartment, the door nearly flying off the hinges. 

"Guys, we've got a problem" Touma told the group as Celest pulled out of her phone and showed a recent news article with a disturbing title. "Crap" Hades took out running through the door, Mikoto following after, leaving Celest and Touma alone together. "Damn it" Touma clenched his right hand, feeling useless. "All this power in my right arm and I can't do anything with it, it doesn't make any sense" he fist slammed down on the table, splinters sticking into it as he winced in pain.  "Such misfortune"

"God damn it, dude can't stay out the hospital can here" Hades said as he began to create platforms out of Darkness as Mikoto grabbed onto his sleeve and for the second time today was a passenger on someone else's mode of speed boosting. "I-I think I'm going to b-be sick" the sudden movements. "You vomit on me and-" suddenly he sensed a unique and familiar energy presence. "What the" Hades leapt to the ground, making sure to hold onto Mikoto when they landed. 

"W-why the hell did we-" Hade covered Mikoto's mouth as he turned his head and looked into alleyway and saw the Daemos, Kai's hand still nothing but bones. "E-eat this" Ash pushed a green bean like object into his mouth as he gagged. "I hate the taste of fish" he said as he stopped himself from spitting up the bean. "Well Senzu Beans are the only way to heal your hand after what you did dumbass and that was also our last one" Audra said, not facing her siblings, as a few tears dropped down her face as the skin and muscles around Kai's bone regrew.

"I-it's the aliens" Mikoto eyes widen in fear, esper she could deal with, but aliens, just looking at them drove fear into her. "Misaka, calm down" Mikoto backed away in fear knocking over a metal bin, making a huge clatter, alerting the Daemos. "What the" Audra turned into lightning and tried to find the source only to find a cat. "It was just a cat" she turned around and walked away only for a veil of Darkness to drop around Hades and Mikoto who was sweating like crazy, her heart beating out of control. 

"G-get control of yourself Mikoto, you're a level 5, one of the top espers in the city" she tried to calm herself down but all she could think about was how unmatched she would be in a fight with them, even with weaker espers in the academy city, Beau with multiple aliens who could absorb any electrical attack thrown at them and Kamijou, a level 0 with the ability to negate any esper ability. Her whole world was thrown into a blender, mixed around and poured into something unrecognisable, and that frightened her more than anything. 

"Misaka, you really need to calm down before something happens" Hades says attempting to calm her down, her breathing rapid and irregular. Light laughter could be heard as Hades turned his head before getting hit by a beam of pink energy sending him flying backwards revealing him to the aliens. "What the?" they ask confused as Misaka got sent flying back as well. "Well, pleasure to see you again, Hades was it?" a light feminine voice asked as Charmcaster floats above them. 

"Fucking Christ" Hades managed to get up and shadows spread around him. "Round 2" Audra ran in without thinking. Before Hades could react she grabbed his scarf, and turned them both into lightning disappearing before everyone's eyes. "Fucking christ" Kai ignited his hands and followed the lightning, trying to stop his sister from losing her dignity and maybe even her life. Mikoto could feel the energy resonating off of Charmcaster. 

The dance of lightningحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن