Chapter 6

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Friday came too fast, and I was once again making my fifth lap around the oval when a prickling sensation started at the nape of my neck. Someone was watching me.

Just beyond the track, I caught a swish of plaid behind a tree. John was too busy catching his breath to ask anything when I walked off to check whoever it was. As soon as I turned the bend, someone had me by the arms and I was thrust against the rough bark.

“Hello, Samantha.” Christina had me pressed between herself and the tree.

“Get off me. Get off.” I shoved her harder than necessary, but it also wasn’t necessary to pin me in the woods. She relented, releasing me with a smug little grin on her face.

“What do you want?” I stood a little ways away from her.

“I just wanted to say hi, Sam.” I haven’t seen her since that time I listened in on them in the woods.

“Yeah, sure, I believe that.”

“I wanted to see you.” I crossed my arms.

“It’s because I think you’re cute.” And before I could even say anything, she had her hands on my hips, pushing me back against the tree. She leaned in, and I turned away.

"Well?" I didn't respond, holding my breath. Christina, undeterred, kissed down my cheek and pressed her teeth against my neck. I pulled her away by her hair.

“Took your time stopping me, didn’t you?” She tried to wipe at the mess at my neck with the sleeve of her blazer, and I batted her hand away.

She grasped at my arm before I left. “I already told you, be careful around Fairul, all right? I worry about you.”

I was on auto-pilot as I walked back to the track. What was that? No, not the things she did - I didn’t want to think about that. What do I have to be careful about?

Running was an excellent excuse; John didn’t even ask me why I was so flustered, and I wasn’t going to clarify.

My room was empty when I got back, so I took the opportunity to gather my thoughts in the shower. But try as I might, I couldn’t make sense of it.

Fairul holding me in the car, helping me off that window, offering to keep up the cold - I couldn’t imagine any harm coming from any of that. She can be cold, and she makes unfortunate decisions sometimes, but she wouldn’t hurt me. Christina was probably just trying to mess with my head, that almost-kiss included.

I stepped out of the shower to find Fairul already dressed and drying her hair.

“Hey, you. How did you get wet?”

“Emil’s bathroom.” When I fixed her with a look, she continued. “What? You were in my bathroom.”

“With that logic, it’s mine as well.” She rolled her eyes.

“Do you want to dry your hair?” Fairul aimed the hairdryer in my direction. When I nodded, she jumped out of her seat and beckoned me to it. I didn’t know she’d be doing it for me.

I sat there for a good while, Fairul fussing over my head with a towel and probably on purpose blowing hot air into my face. It was relaxing, and soon she started running her fingers through my hair.

“Don’t fall asleep now, Sam. You know, just by looking at you, I wouldn't think that your hair was soft.”

“Were you born with it, or did you have to learn backhanded compliments?”

She winked at me, and I couldn’t help but think about Christina’s words. Be careful. I jumped out of the chair, almost knocking heads with Fairul.

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