Chapter 14

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Fairul was sitting on the edge of her bed, staring outside the window with a drink in her hand. Gaze locked with mine, she brought the cup to her lips and drank.

I expected her to be here, but that didn’t make me any less apprehensive and I hovered by the door. With movements as honeyed as her eyes, she downed the whole thing and started to pour herself another.

“Hey,” I said, closing the door behind me. She didn’t respond. I took a few steps toward her.

I needed to talk to her. I couldn’t let whatever we’re going through fester and turn into something irredeemably worse. I’m afraid what losing her would do to me.

Stopping just short of where she was sitting, I crossed my arms. “We should talk.”

She paused mid-swig. “What is there to talk about?”

No, she can’t just gloss over all that. “I feel like we have things to clarify.”

Her eyes narrowed. “I feel like we understand each other’s position quite well.”

If this was anyone else, I might have lost my temper. But this was Fairul, and Fairul brings out something soft and tender in me.

“I’m sorry I reacted the way I did. I was surprised. I’d like to talk about it properly. We deserve that chance, don’t you think?”

She downed the entire glass again and said, “Who are you to tell me what I deserve?”

Something in my heart twisted at the tone of her voice, and I laid a hand on her shoulder. “I--“

Suddenly, her hand shot out and wrapped around my wrist with a fierceness I’ve never felt her use before. She stood and towered over me, still holding my arm. Her fingernails were turning pale from the strength of her grip.

Without a word, she pushed me down against her bed and crawled over me. I put my hands on her shoulders and held her back.

“Is this a good idea?”

“Tell me to stop and I will.”

I didn’t say anything, my brain lethargic and in overdrive all at once, and she crashed her lips to mine. She bit down on my bottom lip and soothed it with her tongue as I opened my mouth.

I fisted a hand in her hair, and she let out a low groan. Her hands fumbled at my shirt buttons, and soon I helped her undo them.

When she had thrown off my shirt, Fairul hooked her fingers under the straps of my bra, looking up at me through hooded eyes.

My chest felt like it was going to burst, but in response I arched my back and she slid her hands across my skin to unclasp it.

I’ve never been this bare with anyone, and I fought the urge to cover myself as she reared up to look at me. There was a ravenous hunger in her eyes, one I’ve only ever seen glimpses of before. Now, as her gaze ranked over me, I was at her mercy.

I was cold, too, but her mouth was warm and it was everywhere and I couldn’t stop saying her name and begging her to get closer.

And she didn’t disappoint, she could never disappoint me. But when her hands caressed my thighs apart and she kissed down my skin and put her teeth on me through the fabric and the only thing I could do was tangle my hands in her hair and whisper a litany of curses and devotion, it was the closest I had been.

Her heat was gone as she pulled away from me. Through the haze of my mind, I could hear her mutter to herself as she pulled on her clothes, something that sounded like, what am I doing?

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