Chapter 7

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Emil came by a few times to see me, but other than that, the weekend was a blur. The world only came back into sharp focus one night when the door creaked open and Fairul walked through.

I was awake, of course--I had been busy concocting scenarios about the next time we meet that I couldn’t will myself to sleep. Of all the things I imagined, none of them had been this.

She tread slowly--in an effort to be quiet, I suppose--but I cracked open one eye to see that she was staring right at me.

“Oh good, you’re awake.” She changed course and headed straight for my bed.

I panicked, but she had positioned herself at the edge and met me as I tried to sit up. She tasted the same, but that didn’t mean it’s lost its thrill. My hands found their way to her shoulders, and I fully intended to push her off, but she made this soft sound and instead they moved to tangle in her hair.

I was blanking again, just like last time. She was on top of me now, overwhelming my senses. I couldn’t think--haha--straight. She groaned and thrust her hips into me, and I nearly yelled.

“Sorry, too much?” She stopped straddling me and instead laid back. I could only nod. Now we were both staring at the ceiling.

“I missed you, I think.” She giggled. I didn’t think she was the type.

“The type to what? Miss people?” Did I say that out loud?

“No, I meant with the nervous laugh.”

“I’m not nervous.” She twisted on her side to face me. “Just doesn’t fit my image most of the time.”

Her hand crept up my waist--the covers had fallen at this point--and snuck under my shirt. I slapped at it.

“What? You don’t like it?”

“I don’t know what it means.” Frustration must have shown in my voice, because she was uncharacteristically soft when she next spoke.

“Does it have to mean anything?” I didn’t know what to say to that.

Eventually, she pulled my shirt down and smoothed the fabric. “We could benefit from this, Sam. I’ve seen how you look at me.” Her eyes were coy as she turned them to me and winked, and in turn I averted mine.

“And? What do you get?” I willed myself not to stutter.

She sighed and rested her head on my shoulder, throwing a leg over both of mine. It’s like she flicked a switch in her, and I didn’t know how to deal.

“The same as you, of course. What else?” I don’t get it. She’s, well, she’s her. I don’t think she has problems getting action. Why me?

“I can’t just proposition anyone, you know? As I said, I have an image to uphold and people talk. In the most mundane way, you’re special. And I heard you keep your secrets well.” I wonder if she can hear my heartbeat from her position.

“Aren’t you--” I swallowed, “Aren’t you, you know, betrothed and all that? To Nathan?” Of all people.

“Let’s just say Nathan has his own secrets. And no, not officially, anyway.” She grimaced, and I didn’t press it.

“So, what do you say?” She set her whiskey eyes on me again, glinting with something I didn’t understand.

“We’ll have to set some ground rules.”

“You’re hard to get, aren’t you.” I pushed her off my chest, only for her to come back and throw her arm across me.

“Tomorrow, then.” She suppressed a yawn. “Can I sleep in your bed tonight?”

Expectations (wlw) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon