NSFW - Extra

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set sometime in chapter 8-9


Samantha was trapped between a rock and a hard place. To be more specific, she was sitting between Fairul’s legs, hugging her own knees. The other girl was behind her, serving as a backrest--it was her idea--and Sam could feel that Fairul had nothing under the sweater she was wearing.

It was late, they were in her bed, watching some random old film on Fairul’s laptop by their feet. Not that Sam was paying attention--Fairul kept muttering and reacting right in her ear. She threw off the blanket covering both of their legs.

“Something the matter?” Fairul tucked strands of hair behind Sam’s ear before whispering. She felt the touch linger.

“No, just a little too warm.”

“Take off your clothes, then.” She smacked Fairul’s thigh; the other girl laughed.

Sam’s hand stayed on her leg, and soon she stopped pretending to watch the film and instead focused on drawing circles with her fingers on the other girl’s denim-clad thigh.

They were cuddling now, or so Sam thought. Fairul’s arms had snuck around her waist, her hands flat against her torso, until they weren’t.

“Are you going to watch or not?” Suddenly, Fairul had Samantha’s chin gripped in her hand, tilting it upward to force the shorter girl to look at her.

“What? No, I’m fine,” she said, trying not to stammer. Fairul was holding her gaze, something wicked in those honeyed eyes. It vanished much too quickly.

“All right, then.” Fairul’s hands returned to wrap themselves around her, and Sam immediately missed her grip on her.

Which was an embarrassing thought. It’s not like they hadn’t done something like this before--Fairul was always handsy. They’ve kissed, haven’t gotten further than that.

“Do you think that’s real, or is that just a prosthetic?”

“Oh, Christ,” said Sam, looking at the screen. The movie had a scene where two people fuck, and one of them had a much larger than average penis.

“It’s massive. Perhaps this fellow is just well-endowed?”

“Probably a prosthetic. Unless it’s porn, they probably wouldn’t show the actor’s dick.” Fairul’s hand lowered down to her stomach and was lingering at her waistband.




“Is this porn? Are we watching porn?”

“I don’t know,” laughed Fairul. “Maybe?”

“You picked the movie!” Fairul only laughed harder.

They fell silent as the scene changed to a gratuitous close-up of genitals, the sloppy sounds much too loud around them. Sam snuck a quick glance at their door to see if it was locked.

Fairul had rested her chin upon Sam’s shoulder, and she seemed to be focused on the screen.

“Don’t you get uncomfortable?”

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