Season 1: If You Can't Take The Heat

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"Last time on Total Drama Island: our competitors became hunters and the hunted. Owen's game was way off and when he finally caught wind of his prey, he totally blew it. And Cody made a new friend, who quickly beat the snot out of him. Can anyone say Medevac? In a weird and strangely watchable twist, LeShawna, Lindsay, Beth and Heather turned their paintball guns on each other. It was a full on wrestle for dominance within the females of the gopher squad, and the Gophers were sent to the bonfire. In the end, however, it was Cody who got the shot. The Gophers are still the underdogs. Can they bounce back, or is their goose finally cooked? Find out tonight on Total Drama Island!"


After a lovely nights sleep, despite it being on the ground in a sleeping bag, I woke up eager for the days challenge. Well, actually, ready to see Chris, but with that eagerness I also felt ready to tackle the day. We were called down to the beach after about an hour of everyone being awake and we headed down the stairs. Chris was already standing there as we arrived, arms on his sides as he observed us. I waved at him, keeping my hand low enough to avoid other people seeing it, and he smiled back at me. Ah, what a man. My heart smiled. "Todays challenge will test your minds, your teamwork, and your skills in the kitchen!" he said after everyone stood in front of him. "You'll be cooking a three-course meal and serving it to me for tasting. The winner gets a reward; the losers will be sending someone home. Each team will appoint a head chef to create the theme of the meal and to oversee the cooking.

"To cook, you need ingredients," he said, slightly switching the topic. He turned to point out an old, rusty and wet truck with a faded fruit photo was slapped on the side that appeared out of no where. "Every morning, a truck brings up food. Better get to picking!"

Geoff and the rest of the guys headed towards the truck and declared we would do an Italian themed meal. I didn't mind; I didn't know even know how to cook. Everyone agreed to Geoff being head chef of our team for the challenge. He was already handing everyone what ingredients we needed and explaining why, so it just made sense. I felt bad for the other team, as I heard that bitch Heather declaring herself head chef. Gross. Her ego was way to big that I'm surprised it even fit in her head.

Our ingredients were acquired and my team headed off towards the kitchen, the Gophers following in suit. We separated into pairs and I joined Bridgette and DJ in making the sauce for our pasta. As we began grabbing our cutlery and equipment, I caught on to the prank the guys were playing on Harold. Not sure what the prank was, but it was definitely happening. On the other side of the kitchen, Heather was being her typical bitchy self and bossing her team around. In one way or another, this challenge was going to end poorly for both is us. I just wished I could sit back and watch instead of have to be a part of it.

Dj ended up dragging me away from Bridgette as we were dicing tomatoes to give her alone time with Geoff. With nothing to do until the tomatoes were finished, I headed off for a bathroom break. As I stepped out of the cramped kitchen and outside, I faced the most horrible sight I had ever seen: Harold in his underwear. Skinny, pale body with fiery red hair and bright red underwear — not boxers, not boxer briefs, but undies. He walked past me like it was nothing but I had to stop, blink, shake my head, clear my throat, and sigh before I kept walking. Definitely going to need to bleach my eyes after seeing that.

Having the bathroom to myself was nice. I didn't mind sharing them, but when I very rarely have a chance of free time, I appreciated it. I quickly went fu the restroom and washed my hands, wishing I didn't have to return to the hell that awaited me in the kitchen. Stepping outside, I was about to start my tread back to the kitchen when I was gripped by the wrist and pulled around the bathroom walls.

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