Chapter 20

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Hope found Landon in their bedroom staring at his reflection in the mirror, while he tugged at his shirt collar?

With a smile, Hope walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist?

Pressing a kiss to his back, she asked. Are you okay?

I'm just nervous?

You lived with them for almost two decades. You don't have to pretend with them?

But I did pretend. I had to. It's the only way Seylah was able to handle becoming a mother?

Seylah's not stupid. She probably saw through the pretenses?

Landon turned around in her arms and pressed his forehead against hers?

You know I'm right. Hope whispered?

She stood on tiptoes and kissed him lightly on the lips?

I know. Landon said?

Come on. I think they're here?

Hope pulled him towards the door, smiling at her fiance?

Landon allowed himself to be dragged along, and then he too was smiling?

They paused in the entrance to the courtyard and Hope kissed him again, which gave Landon a moment to relax?

Hello, Landon. Seylah greeted him?

Seylah. It's good to see you again?

Landon held his hand out, but shock registered on his face when Seylah hugged him. She pressed her cheek against his?

It's good to see you. She said, when she finally released him. I've missed you?

I've missed you too?

Landon's relieved grin made Hope's heart twist with happiness?

And Hope?


Hope linked her fingers through Landon's and leaned her head on his shoulder?

I can see you're taking good care of him?

More like he's been taking good care of me. Hope looked up at Landon, unable to keep from smiling?

I'm glad to see you happy?

You haven't been shown to your rooms yet, have you. Hope asked?

Nope. Just got here. Ryan replied?

Well, if you all follow me, we'll get your bags put away and you can take showers if you want to?

When will I meet the pack. Rafael swung his, Seylah's and Ryan's bags over his shoulders?

My mother, Hayley, who's the crescent's alpha, should be coming by some time today to introduce herself before taking you out to meet the rest of the pack. Don't worry. She's really nice and inviting you around was all her idea. Hope assured him?

Okay. I just don't want to cause problems with the pack or anything?

This is an established pack, dating back to the first werewolves, not a school pack. Hope said. Things are different here?

And they'll teach me?

We practiced the old ways. And we pass that knowledge on to all wolves willing to learn?

Could I learn what I did back at the school?

You'd have to challenge the school's alpha and become alpha yourself in order to pass on the knowledge. And it's not shared with people outside the wolf packs, unless extreme circumstances, so no giving it out to anyone outside the wolves, not even Ryan?

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