Chapter 6

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Danielle's POV

I placed a gentle kiss on Jaden's lips before grabbing my purse and slipping out of the house. I left a note telling him l was going to the studio just in case he wakes up before I'm back.

As I opened the house door, my eyes fell upon a figure in the driveway. Squinting my eyes to focus, I realized the figure was SoMo-- on a motorcycle.

"SoMo? What are you doing here? I thought we were gonna meet up at the studio." I said approaching him.

"Call me Joseph, and I thought you'd like a ride. Here, hop on." He reached out his hand and offered me a helmet. I hesitated. Jaden would not approve, he would not be happy whatsoever. "Come on, I won't bite, promise."

My heart was about to beat out if my chest, but I took the helmet anyway. He moved back a scoot, and I sat between him and the handlebars. He started the ignition, then we rode out of the driveway and onto the road.

As my panic receded, I slowly became aware of Joseph behind me-- he was holding the handlebars on both sides of me. His arms made sort of a cage around me that kept me from feeling like I was about the slide off the bike. I was suddenly very aware of him, not just the strength in the arms that held me, but the fact that I was leaning back against his chest and I could almost feel his toned muscles on my back.

He tightened his grip around me, and I felt my breath catch. Ever since I was a kid, I thought of the type of guy who's like the Prince-- the one to sweep you off your feet and before you know it, you're in love. My imagination dreamt up a dark, passionate, covert prince, and here he was. Here I was, riding on his motorcycle. The same milky skin, the same physique, and his eyes so hypnotic.

Suddenly, I was brought out of my daze. We finally made it to the studio. "Come on, I want to show you something." Joseph said, then took my hand. After nearly lifting me off of the bike, we ran up stairs to a door that entered the building.

I was confused walking in. There was a fully stocked bar in the middle if the room, and the stage stood high off the floor with a whole band setup sitting on top, this was obviously an old warehouse turned into a nightclub. How were we supposed to record in an empty club? I don't know much about digital recording, but I know the acoustics would be terrible.

"What's all this for?" I asked.

"You. Why didn't you tell me about your birthday last week?"

"I didn't really think it was important."

"Not important? Of course it's important! Come on, I have a surprise for you." He grabbed my hand and led me to the far right wall of the club. Opening a big steel door that I initially thought was a wall, we walked into a whole different part of the building. This part was kinda like a business office. Joseph pulled me to the side, where another door lead to a big studio, control board, booth, and everything.

"Joseph, what is all this?" I asked astonished.

"Well, for your birthday, I'm recording a song for you. And the rest of the day is strictly music. Recording, mixing, just us two. Sound good?"

"Yeah." I smiled. "Sounds great."


I approached the Smith's Hawaii home and knocked on the door. I've never been here before, we never really had time to vacation. It's so beautiful; it has no comparison to their Calabasas house, but it's still incredible.

"Danielle?" I came out of my daze to see Mateo standing at the door in front of me. He looked utterly shocked to see me, but still relieved. "I've seen you more in these two days than in three whole years, it's a record."

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