Chapter 18

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Danielle's POV

I walked through the hallway and saw Jaden standing outside of a door, leaning against the wall. When I stopped in front of him, his eyes flew open, then he looked back down at the floor. He looked surprised to see me, but still a little relieved.

"How is she?" I asked, as gentle and sincere as I could.

"She lost a lot of blood in the crash, but they said the surgery went fine... She hasn't woken up though, and they don't know when she will."

I reached for his arm. "J--"

He flinched away. "Don't." He said harshly.

"I would've never wanted this to happen to Isabelle... I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault..." He looked up at me for the first time. "It's mine."

"No, Jaden. This is not your fault."

"Then whose is it? The only reason she left in the pouring rain was because I told her about us..." His hand came up and caressed my cheek, and he acted as he didn't even notice he was doing it. "When she ran off I didn't think about going after her, or even stopping her... I just waited until she was gone, and the second that door closed, I was already dialing your number." His other hand came up and he helded my face in between his palms, he leaned forward so our foreheads touched. I fought the urge to close the few inch gap and kiss him.

"What if she doesn't wake up?"

"She will. And she'll forgive you..." I whispered softly. "Because she loves you, and it's not your fault." We stood there for what seemed to the like forever.

I just could no longer fight it. I stood on my toes and gently pressed my lips against his. I expected him to pull away, but he didn't. He held me tightly against him. Finally, I was the one to break the kiss-- not wanting to, but knowing I needed to.

Jaden's eyes were still closed when I stepped back. I placed my hand sincerely on his shoulder. "It'll be okay. I'm expecting her to make a full recovery and be the pain in my ass that she's always been." He looked up and gave me a half smile. I nodded towards her room. "Go on now... She should be waking up soon."
Jaden pulled me into a hug, resting his head on the top of mine. "Thank you, Danielle."

Jaden's POV

I sat in the hospital room beside Isabel's bed. I couldn't shake the feeling that she wouldn't be here if it weren't for me. I could've handled thing better. I could've treated her better. I shouldn't have led her on.

"Jaden?" I heard a broken voice. I looked up to see Isabel's eyes half open looking at me.

"Jaden, what's going on?" She asked.

"Isabel you're in the hospital. You were in a really bad car accident, they did surgery on you." She tried her best to lift herself off the bed. I gently placed my hands on her shoulders to stop her. "Take it easy. You need to get your strength up." I turned to the table near the bed and poured a cup of water. "Here, drink this." She chuckled while chugging the water. "What's funny?"

"The fact that I had to almost die before you payed me even half the amount of attention that you do Danielle." I sank back into my seat feeling guilty. "It's okay Jaden. I always knew I wasn't number one in your heart... Or number two for that matter."

"I never meant to hurt you."

"I know you didn't."

"If I hadn't-"

"What? If you hadn't broken up with me?" I stayed quiet. "Jaden, even if you didn't break up with me, our relationship was over. No reason in prolonging the process."

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