Chapter 9

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Jaden's POV

I woke up from my sleep, and looked over at the clock, which read 1:00 PM. I could already hear the rustle and bustle of my family's routine day going on downstairs, but I wasn't ready to be a part of it all just yet.  I swung the blankets off of my body and walked to the bathroom.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I saw that I looked wretched. My matted and dreaded hair stuck up on my head and my eyes were baggy from exhaustion— regardless of the fact that I went to bed early and slept in late. I'd also gained some pounds, the abs I used to have quickly faded after I stopped working out.

"You look like shit, kid." I said to myself. It's often something my dad says to me, but of course he means it in the best way possible.

It wasn't until I got out of the shower and was fully awake when I realized what day it was; my birthday. I'm 25 today.

"Alright Jaden, let's at least look presentable today. And try to be happy." I went to my room and dressed in my best casual outfit. I wore black pants with a short sleeve white button up. I put on a black bow tie to add to the outfit, with white shoes and one of my old black snapbacks. Looking into the mirror, I was proud of the way I dressed. I hadn't dressed like this in years, and it's definitely been a while before I felt this good. "It's a good day, Smith. I can feel it.".

As I descended the staircase I could hear the hustle and bustle of my family from the kitchen. I walked into the doorway and my sister, mom and dad, and friends around the table. Willow, who has now grown into a beautiful young woman, was leading a cypher. Instead of a freestyle rap, she was doing a freestyle song. She had just rang out her last note when she saw me standing in the door of the kitchen.

"Jaden!" My mom smiled.

"Happy Birthday!!" They yelled in unison. 

"Uhh, Oh wow." I walked in and my mom and dad pulled me into a group hug.

"Oh, my baby is 25, I can't believe it." My mom said proudly. 

"And look at you." My dad said as we pulled away. "You don't look so shitty."

I grinned at my father's attempted compliment. "Thanks Dad."

"Aye, come on bro, it's your turn!!" Moises yelled.

"Guys, I haven't done a cypher years..." I pointed out.

"So what, just try." Willow said, patting the seat next to her. I sat there, not knowing how I was going to do this.

"Ready, son?" My dad asked. He had his fists balled up, hitting the table with a 1-2 beat. "Go!"

"Um, alright." I started out, trying my best to go get into the flow.

"Why you driving so fast? Why you driving so fast?

Girl where you gotta go? Girl where you gotta go?

Baby you should try drive slow, you should try drive slow

Cause you're going 45 on the 15

I'm just tryna stay alive on the big screen

When you comin' up to drive all the kids scream

I don't know baby girl you're movin' onto better things..."

I could tell everyone was into the lyrics, so I kept going and decide to go in harder.

"Usually you don't be using me

I'm dead you cry at my eulogy

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