What I Should Be Doing Part 1

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This is what your lazy ass Author is currently NOT DOING 🤣🤣🤣

These are just drafts so things might change when I finally publish them. These are just teasers.  


(Guin accidentally turned Ruby into a baby and Ruby's two eggplant husbands must take care of her while Guin finds a way to grow her back.) 

Guinevere gulped and fidgeted nervously as Martis and Dyrroth glared at her. The little creature in her arms was squirming as it played with its teddy bear.

"Tsk. You, mage, explain to me what happened." Martis ordered as he eyed the adorable little thing in her arms.

"Uhmm... Well, Ruby was helping me brew a new potion. It's supposed to make you look younger and more youthful because my mom kept on blabbering about her wrinkles and all that stuff. Then we accidentally shattered one cylinder and its contents spilled onto Ruby. Hence, she turned into a baby which is far from what we expected. I thought that it would only make a person 'look' younger by ten years but I didn't think that it would really make a person younger by ten years or so but seeing as Ruby turned into an infant... I—I guess the results exceeded our expectations hehehe." Guinevere laughed nervously, making the two glare at her more. 

"How do we turn her back into a regular cute loli and not a mega cute loli?" Dyrroth asked as he poked baby Ruby's cheek making the girl giggle. 

"She's a baby, you idiot." Martis said. 

"Exactly, she's a mega loli."

"Anyway, I don't have a way to get her back to normal yet but I promise that I'll get back to it as soon as I can."

"What do you mean as soon as you can? Can't you do it now?"

"I'm sorry but I can't. My father is calling me back to Castle Gorge so I'll be leaving for a few weeks or months. I need to deal with some important family stuff so I'll be leaving Ruby in your care. Here's some of my baby clothes she could wear and I even bought her more baby stuff. I got her some milk and diapers and every baby toiletries she could ever need. I have to go now but I promise that I'll be back and I'll fix this. For now, au revoir." Guinevere said before bolting away from the two after handing them the baby. 

"Hey, get back here you red headed witch! Fix my wife or I'll break your legs!" yelled Dyrroth but the mage was already out of sight. 

Baby Ruby began crying due to his alarmingly loud voice. She squirmed and kicked her arms out but Martis kept a steady hold on the cute little thing. 


"Will you keep your voice down! You're scaring her!" Martis reprimanded as he rocked her in his arms to soothe her. 

"It's okay sweetie. Daddy is here. I will never let that mean ugly demon hurt you. Daddy Martis will always protect his cute beautiful princess. Mwah." Martis cooed while his hand stroked her lovely blonde hair. Ruby calmed down a little and hid her face on his chest, sniffling slightly. His heart melted when she looked at him with those big round emerald eyes of hers looking vulnerable and cute. 

Martis blushed due to how adorable she looked, making Dyrroth glare at him. 

"Ruru... Ruru I'm sorry for yelling." the demon apologized, taking her small chubby hands in his large ones. He kissed her tiny fingers making her look at him and mumble incoherent words. 

"I guess we'll have to raise her until that witch finds a way to bring her back to normal."

"Yeah, I guess so. I call dibs on not changing her diapers." Dyrroth said, making Martis roll his eyes as they entered their penthouse. 

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