Ruby Fell Into The Abyss Part 4

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I revised the amount of time for their wager. Instead of 100 days it will be 365 days since 3 months and 10 days doesn't seem enough time for the Story to work and I also don't believe that love can grow that fast. Regarding Dyrroth's feelings for Ruby, I applied the same rule. He is very fond of her and he considers her as his property, his pet, that's why he pampers her and gives her a lot of things because she's something new and fascinating but as time passes by we'll... Maybe she won't be a toy anymore. 

Ruby ran frantically in the dark torch-lit labyrinth of the Abyss as if her life depended on it. Her body is very athletic and she's very good at running as well as being chased like a prey by the menacing wolves of the woodlands, but this time her predator is more malevolent than the wolves of the Dark Forest. She yelped when she tripped on a random rock but picked herself up fast in fear of her pursuer finding her. 

Unlike the open forest, she's being hunted down in his own territory, putting her at a grave disadvantage. She glanced up and saw Sorca perched on a cliff, gazing down at her with a hawk-like stare, making her swallow. The demoness scrutinized her while holding an hourglass in hand. Her heart almost fell when she finally heard the footsteps following her. 

Run faster... 

Her feet carried her to unsure destinations. She took twists and turns but he always seemed to know where she's going. She's been running so much her lungs burned due to the lack of oxygen but she kept going. 


There aren't many places to hide because every spot seemed obvious but she doesn't have much choice if she doesn't want him to catch her. She went behind a column and prayed that he doesn't find her.


She held her breath as she heard soft foreboding footsteps closing in on her location. His overwhelming smug presence dominated the atmosphere like a dragon. She can almost see him grinning as he enjoyed the hunt. 

"Ruby, where are you? Come on out, let me see your pretty face. I just wanna give you a kiss." He called with an eerie playfulness. 

Just keep calm and suppress your presence so he doesn't find you. Think about darkness and calm. Think about a void. Just blend with the shadows and he won't find you. 

The footsteps disappeared leaving her alone in a tormenting silence. She sighed before taking a peek and found him gone. Just a little bit more time and this will be over wit–

"Caught you." Ruby released a yelp of surprise as the demon pinned her against the column. She held her breath due to their extreme closeness. 

Dyrroth grinned at her making her blush due to how cunningly handsome he looked. His sharp and diabolic facial features highlighted by the flickering fire of the torches are somehow charming. They've been more intimate than this, but how can he still manage to make her flustered by just doing this? She shook her head due to her annoying thoughts.  

'You're not supposed to admire him if you want to escape this hell of a place!' she scolded herself before taking deep breaths to calm her shocked heart due to his sudden appearance. 

"Dang it, I almost won." Ruby pouted in disappointment. 

"Only a few grains of sand and you could have." Sorca informed as she approached the two with the hourglass in hand. 

"That's three points for team Dyrroth and two for loser human, Ruby. Now for your tribute to my victory." Dyrroth suddenly crashed his lips against hers and ravished her intensely while pressing her back against the wall. His hand went to touch her breast, a gesture that no longer makes her shocked or flustered due to how often he does it. Is it really weird that she's gotten immune to his harassments?

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