Chapter Three

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It was just another day, a normal Saturday, which was the first day of the weekend. I wondered if Travis would be on the same highway we've been on the past few days before that one.

I fixed my hair and locked my phone, then I put a little makeup on my face until I got myself satisfied with how I looked like. I opened the door of my room and went out of our house and started walking and I was so determined to reach St. John street as fast as I could.

I plugged my earphones on and listened to the slow and relaxing song. My thick coat and scarf wrapped around me kept me warm despite the strong wind that kept on blowing my hair.

I placed my book out of my bag and opened it on the page where I left it the night before that day. I kept my eyes on every word and my feet floated on the ground.

My eyes met each sentence as the wind blew my hair. Suddenly, I realized I was already at St. John street. I put my book down on my chest and stared at the road, then unplugged my earphones until I saw Travis standing on a red hoodie walking by himself on the empty and boring road.

I quickly ran to him and called his name, "Travis!" I waved my hand and he smiled at me. I sat on the hard floor where he was. "What's up?" I asked.

"What's down?" He mentioned.

"Huh?" I was so confused.

"Ugh! You don't get it oh, c'mon." I finally got it right. He was only mentioning the antonym of what I said. Up then down. Funny. Nah. "Oh, I see ok" I just smiled at him out of embarrassment. "So what should we do now?" He raised his shoulders and widened his eyes.

"Darn it! Ok fine, I just want to know more about you" I said.

"Do you always walk here? I mean do you usually walk in this street because I've been walking here for the past fifteen years of my life but I haven't seen you here before." I added a state.

"Nah. I'm new here in Canada" he replied with his deep blue eyes pointing to mine.

"Oh yeah I see, but since when? And where were you from?" He bit his lips which probably hurt him because of the cold breeze, he had lip burn. Which I hated the most but the sad truth was that I had it too.

"Since like just last month. I'm from the Netherlands" I nodded my head because I had thought that I remembered that I heard that fifty percent of the most attractive people came from the Netherlands. Enough reason to say why he was so interesting and attractive.

I haven't been to his country yet but I have visited it online through the power of social media. "What school do you go to?" I asked as I flipped my hair. "Partway academy" my eyes widened. I looked at him sarcastically.

"Woah! That's my school's greatest enemy in basketball" I stated.

"I play basketball. But the thing is that the results if I'm in the team of our school haven't arrived yet. I went through the tryout process but the results are not yet available" he explained every single thing to me.

"Wow! Good luck! I hope you'll pass that!" He nodded his head as usual and smiled at me. "What are you listening to?" He came closer to me and unplugged the earphone from my ears on the right side.

He smiled at me so I plugged in the earphone on the left side to hear the music. "Wow!" He whispered with laughter in his voice. 🎵Darling I want to see every inch of you I get lost in the way you move I want to love you with the lights on🎵 Shawn's angelic voice played over and over in my head until Travis said something that interrupted my concentration in listening to the music.

"You have a good taste in music," he said sarcastically. Well, my mom and dad always hated my music saying that they're explicit but in any way, I can't find them that way.

"Thanks" was all that I said in reply to him. When I got home after the small talk we had. I entered my room and placed my book on top of my table. But I froze after noticing something weird on my table.

I saw a red envelope on top of my table. I grabbed it, thinking of what it was but I had a doubt that it was from my mom and dad but I was wrong. The handwriting was so different from theirs and it went exactly just like this...

Hey there Jade, what's up? So talked to Travis again? Aren't you listening to me? I said that you must do what you have to.

Anyway, don't tell anyone about this. Or else, you know what will happen next and you won't like it. Trust me, you'll regret that you told someone about this to someone.

I'll be your guide just follow my lead. In or not?


Literally, in my whole life, it was my first time being blackmailed. Jannet wasn't lying. It wasn't her because she wasn't at my house. But it's not my mom nor my dad. They don't know how to get into my room since I brought my room keys with me and locked the door.

So it was a mystery how someone got into my room and place a letter to me. I kept on thinking about it. "I might regret this. But wait, I already told Jannet. Never mind I just asked but I didn't tell her about it. I should not just tell her that letters are being sent to me continuously." I tried to lower my voice with the fear that whoever the mysterious letter sender was, was watching me. I tried to be so careful as far as I could so they won't know what I was doing and what I kept in my mind.

But I still felt so nervous about what I have read. I still kept on thinking if I'll be in with the offer or not. I took a deep breath, lied down on my bed informally, and closed my eyes to leave my problems and be peaceful for just once. I closed it tightly and left the mystery behind.

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