Chapter Forty-Four

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Rushing to the front door of our house, I opened it and hurriedly ran to my room with my dad's eyes held on me as I struggle to climb our endless staircase. "Jade Frocklori what is wrong with you?" Here we go again. The tone of his voice proves how much he is mad after he caught me looking like I am being rebellious. I rolled my eyes and slammed my door hard. The Jade Frocklori who's clumsy is back. The immature one.

I threw my bag on the floor as it made the We Bare Bears standees fall from the small side table. I am frustrated at myself for being the worst jerk in the world. How in the darn word was I able to shove my three best friends away including the guy who I formerly loved.

Tears kept falling from my eyes as I lean at the door and slowly slid off it. I put my hands on my face to cover it and wipe the tears. I held my head down on my knees while sobbing. "Jade, are you okay?" I heard my dad's voice calmer than before. The tone of his voice when he is concerned. Of course, he is, he's my father. But right now, all I want is space to recover from all the stupid things I did.

"Dad, please. Let me be alone. I need space" he didn't retort but I heard his footsteps as he climbed off the stairs.

This is how nice he usually is. He lets me have space whenever I need it. And he's also always there to compliment me. How I wish I just has always been a kid. Problem-free, stress-free, innocent, and kind all the time. But I am not. Because everything changes as they grow.

Still sobbing, I reached for my phone from my pocket. The first thing that I thought could help me was none other than Dylan. The only one who I know can help me since everyone hates me now. Shawn, dad, Maureen, Myrna, and Jannet. I know I should have not said all those words to them but they cannot be taken back anymore since they already came out of my mouth. I dialed him.

He didn't answer for the first try but I tried again. For the third time, he finally answered. "Hey, Dylan" I greeted with my voice full of obvious depression. There was a sound of a roaming fan over the phone but I ignored it.

"Jade, you don't sound okay!" He quaked.

"I am not" I sobbed.

"What? Why? What's the matter, babe?"

"I don't know" I commenced to stare at my nails which were plain white. Boring.

"Who made you cry?" Without even referring to it, he noticed I was crying even if I was trying to hold back all the tears.

"The stupid Jade. I feel like I'm just really being too... too odd? Too weird? And too much" I licked my drying lips.

"You're not stupid. You're just imperfect but I know you try to do your best. No one else can say that except us. The ones who love you. Me, your mom and dad, and your three best friends who I forgot the name already... Jannet is the only one I can remember"

That's the problem. The girls just left me and I shoved my dad away. But at least he, Dylan is still here with me I hope he stays until the end. He's the only one I have now.

"I am stupidly imperfect and at the same time is a wannabe the perfect girl. But I just can't. And I feel like I can't do anything well. I'm a lair, ain't no good. I am so full of pride that I don't want to accept anyone's help."


I am a liar. I lie to myself. I don't admit that I still love Travis and I replace it by pretending that I hate him. And I pretend that I need Dylan the most when I know that I only want him around to have someone who would compliment me on days and situations like this one. When I feel hopeless.

"No, you're not. Because you are perfectly fine. No one else can say that... anyway, can you please tell me why you are crying?" He requested as I sighed.

"It's... it's... it's, just, that. Umm, I..." I begin with no other words but fillers.

"Me and the girls, Jannet, Myrna, and Maureen are officially broken, friends. Ex-best friends to be mentioned" I hid my tears with light broken laughter which I didn't mean to let out.

"What? What the heck happened? You all used to be so close and nice to each other! What do you mean by officially broken friends?" He asks. I sighed, not sure how to exclude Shawn in my response.

"We fought. About a lot of things like personal issues, relationships, and family. And now we have been torn apart. I guess it's just that happiness doesn't last forever" I begin to sob again. For the hundredth time today.

"Don't say that. I and my friends also fight sometimes. With the same issues, you just mentioned. But we always decide to stay together and be us. Because we were once best friends, and we would always be." His voice sounded so soft and nice. Makes me think that if he is saying those words beside me, I would have kissed him, lied on his shoulder or hug him. Tight.

"But we are different from you. Boys will be boys and girls will be girls. You know, we girls are too sensitive to be hurt by one another" I was lying. They weren't that sensitive. I was the only one who was.

"Am I interrupting you?" I asked after I heard him sipping from a cup. I predicted it was a coffee.

"No, you're not. I'm just staring at the stars right now, planning to sleep" I sigh. He's doing all good there and I am not. I wish he was here. Because I need him, again. To make me feel comfortable in this challenging world filled with endless obstacles.

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