Chapter Twenty-Three

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Out of all the people in our school, I don't know why the principal has been the one to ask me to spread out the flyers all over the town. He gave me thousands of flyers to give to everyone in the town as an invitation to the school's anniversary also called the foundation day.

It's our school's event but for no reason why, he's inviting everyone who's not even studying in our school. Funny how I was the one to spread the news out to the people. "Ouch!" I said after bumping a girl and I heard her say the same thing.

I looked at her and noticed that she was familiar. "Jade?" She asked as she stared into my eyes, holding a cup of milk tea. I frowned after hearing her say my name. But then I finally realized who she was. Myrna. "Oh, wow! Hi, Myrna!" I greeted her nicely as we smiled at each other.

The wind blew both our hair away, but not much to mine since it was tied in a ponytail way and hers was held down. She got it out of her face since it was pretty like blocking her sight. "I thought you already came back to your country?" I asked and she smiled at me.

"Well, just realized that I have to spend some more time here in London my hometown" I smiled at her gently while she grab my arm and added, "what are you doing here right now? You're supposed to be in school aren't you?" I sighed insult and rolled my eyes to show her that I was having a hard time. "I know, and here comes the problem. The principal wanted me to spread the news all over the town. Our school's anniversary and also known as the foundation day comes next week. I need to invite everyone in the town to come. Can you come?"

She bit her lips like she always does. Then blinked for a few seconds. She froze and thought first. "Well I want to since that sounds exciting but if it's next week, I'm probably home already. Because I have a flight on Sunday. But maybe I can help you with spreading those invitations" I finally had relief after hearing someone could help me.

My eyes widened in happiness. I frowned as well while saying, "wait what? Ummm, really? You're not kidding, aren't you? Because if you are..." I threatened her a bit like what I usually do to her and she found it funny. "I'm not kidding, and I don't joke," she said sarcastically as she grabbed half of the paper rim in my hands.

At least we saw each other for a reason. She was there to help me. "So how is your single life?" She asked while sticking some of the flyers on the stores behind us. "Well, a little fine... also looking up at someone whom I think I can spend my future with" she smiled after hearing those words come out from me. I guess she felt a little awkward and some romantic excitement for she couldn't stop smiling.

I rolled my eyes sarcastically once again. She looked at me while still sticking the posters. It was nearly 5:00 in the afternoon so there were a lot of people filling the place. "How fine is it?" She asked excitedly. A few people were passing us by so I thought of giving the flyers out to them. "Come on, girl!" I said as I went to the people passing by and gave out the flyers to them.

Myrna came behind me and followed what I was doing. She gave some flyers out for the people like what I was doing and then she asked, "girl! What? How fine is it?" She just repeated her question. Probably thought that I didn't hear her earlier. "A little fine. Just right. You know, umm" I got a little more speechless as more people came around.

"Who is the one you think you could be with in the future? Don't tell me it's Dylan" I won't even spend a night with Dylan and so I would never even spend my future with him. "Long story. I will tell you everything when we have time. Thus, you don't know him. He's just a stranger for you." She nodded while still biting her lips and I kept a smile on my face to attract people to go to the anniversary of our school.

I just smiled underneath the doubt that one day, my future could be ruined because of Xanny. Well, it was ruined and became ruined. Nothing happened in the way I wanted it to be. I guess I was just dumb not to realize that thing earlier when I was younger.

I sighed, not knowing what I was supposed to do next whether I found out who Xanny is. Thus the idea that Dylan gave me about Travis as Xanny was still in my mind, I couldn't stop thinking about it even if I knew that Travis wouldn't do that to me because he had no reason.

He was just a stranger I fell in love with. "You okay?" Myrna asked me when she noticed that I have been frozen, staring at the wind with no words, and seemed like I was thinking so deep. "Oh, me? Umm, yeah. I'm okay, no need to worry about me... I was just thinking of an easier way to get this thing done in the shortest time because I still have a lot of homework to do at home" she nodded as a response while she smiled at me with no words.

"Please come!" I said to the guy in a white T-shirt who passed us by. But he ignored it and just kept on walking away. Even threw the flyer away from him, I thought that he looked at it as trash and as a nonsense thing so he threw it away, but still rude for doing that to me. Didn't even accept the card flyer

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