Chapter Thirty

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The clock above me stroke to eight in the morning. This means that the professor is supposed to be in here right now but he isn't yet. The whole classroom has already been filled by us, the students, including Shawn who was a few steps away from me. An hour has already passed and he wasn't there yet so it was very noisy. Some were talking, some were making videos and just hanging out.

Normal things college students do whenever the teachers and professors are gone. I sighed, been bored so much waiting. "Do we still have a class today?" Maureen asked in a frustrated tone. I rolled my eyes, still hoping that he would since we already waited for him. "Maybe, I guess" I rolled my eyes and it pointed to Shawn who turned out was also staring at me.

I frowned at the weird serious staring thing he was doing. But once when one of his friends, Ben, tapped him, he immediately weirdly looked away and acted like he didn't look at me. I looked away too and lend my eyes to the group. We were all so bored.

My phone rang and so I immediately grabbed it from my pocket. But I already knew someone was calling. I saw Dylan's name on the screen and then I smiled. Without further thinking, I answered the video call request. "Hey, babe!" He energetically asked once he saw me. I smiled as I responded, "hi!" the smile on his face slightly vanished as he paid more attention. "You look sad, everything alright?"

Not sad, but stressed out and confused. I found Shawn seriously staring and watching me but I didn't look back at him. I just saw him from the corner of my eyes on the right side where he was sitting. "No, I'm okay" he bit his lips sarcastically and then smiled at me. "I don't believe you. I know my girlfriend so much."

I smiled as well. I looked around the room to check if the professor was there already but he was still not there. So I continued talking to Dylan. "I know what could make you happy. I'm at the mall today to buy a new laptop, what do you want me to buy for you? I'll be coming back there in London next, next month!" I sighed in happiness. His love language is giving me a lot of stuff to make me happy and those make me happy. But not as happy when I remember the days I have been happy with Travis.

Even if he hurt me a lot, he still bothers and crosses my mind sometimes and it makes me smile. And, there are times all I think about is him even if I should not. "Maybe just a journal or anything else related to journaling" he nodded quickly as he walked around and his camera got around and around, a little blurry. The Internet connection I guess.

I just watched him charmingly walk around the mall while smiling at me through the screen. "Hi! Hello! God, I'm so jealous that my boyfriend doesn't call me like that" Myrna, beside me said jokingly while waving at Dylan. We both laughed at her as she rolled her eyes and faced Jannet and Maureen instead of us. "So, are you at school?" He asked and I nodded. He browsed through some stuff I didn't see that clear because of the internet.

He raised a yellow notebook with an owl in the middle. "You want this?" He asked, I found it cute and aesthetic so I immediately nodded. I just didn't have the right mood to talk that day but I answered his call anyway because I didn't want him to get jealous of me or anything like that. "Okay, will get this now," he said then smiled at me with his charismatic face as he made his way to the counter.

I looked around and found everyone just talking, murmuring, and giggling. Having fun and taking advantage of that free time. "I got to go now babe, I would catch you later after class." He said and once again rose the notebook. I rejected the call and held my phone down to the table as the three of them, my friends, looked at me, looking a little jealous with a taste of sarcasm.

But then we all laughed at the same time. "I am so jealous right now. A boyfriend who would get you a journal and would video call you anytime he wants? Perfect!" Jannet judged while rolling her eyes. She was right, Dylan was almost perfect. From a guy who has been flirtingly teasing me, to a guy who shows his love to me every day. The growth of his personality was unique.

I sighed in happiness while my head accidentally pointed at Shawn whom I found staring at me. But constantly looked away after a few seconds that I was staring at him. "I hope that you won't be offended when I tell you that I stole something from your house" Myrna stated, trying to guard herself by raising her hands in surrender. "What?" I asked her why slightly panicking.

She quickly raised a blue-green small carboard with letters on it. "I found this in your book last night. What's this thing with a strange letter that comes from Xanny? Who is Xanny?" I immediately gulped as I recognized the cardboard. One of the letters that Xanny has been sending me before. "Oh boy, it's a long story" among everyone, Jannet was the only one who knew what that letter was.

I told no one but her. Even mom and dad. Well, let's include Dylan in the list who was the one who figured it all out first. "Ugh come on! You always say that! Long story. Last night when we were talking about Shawn, you said it's a long story. And this small letter is also a long story?" I rolled my eyes, yeah. Everything is a long, complicated, and unbelievable story.

"I ain't lying girl. I am telling the truth. It is a long story considering that the letter you are holding right now is sent to me two years ago" I looked at Jannet who was just smiling while I was speaking. Maureen raised her shoulders and kept on scrolling through her phone. "In the right time, you guys will finally figure it all out"

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