¹ stupid

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"Ouch!" Jisung shrieked in response to a sharp sting committed by his devious seatmate, "Why'd you pinch me?"

Chenle grimaced, "Quit daydreaming."

Jisung made an angry pout. "I wasn't daydreaming!"

He returned his fixation to the hallway and continued to watch the handsome stranger stride about aimlessly. He was a new face for sure. He wouldn't have missed such a striking individual. While on the edge of his seat his butt began to slide which sent him plummeting to the floor. The commotion caused the teacher to pause his lesson and watch the room disapprovingly.

Jisung stayed on the floor due to embarrassment and waited for the teacher to acknowledge him.

"Student Park," the teacher said from the front of the classroom. He removed his glasses as if he needed to see clearly. Jisung peeked a little over the desk from the floor and already anticipated what was next.

He sort of slithered his way to the back door and out into the hallway. This wasn't the first time he was dismissed from class, he was sure he would be facing suspension if he didn't pull himself together. For one of his punishments, which he earned from falling asleep he was made to stand with his arms up for the remainder of the class. He can still feel the burning sensation when he thinks of it.

He hated Mr.Hui's class anyways. It was the last period elective and as he wandered to his locker, he began looking out at the basketball field through the window, wishing he joined a sport this year instead. He only accepted music appreciation class to be with his best friend Chenle, who was a music prodigal. But it was easily becoming the source of his misbehavior.

When Jisung finally realized just how far he'd ventured, he began to turn back around the corner but was startled by a jolting door which missed his face by an inch. It was someone coming from the male restroom which caused him to step back quickly to avoid the impact. Flustered, he looked up to see who was responsible and it was none other than the dazzling face from earlier.

"Pardon me" the individual said with an apologetic bow. He walked a little past Jisung but paused just inches away from him and began looking around puzzledly as if he was lost.

The ephemeral moment was something to be cherished. The boy's bow was theatrical and the way his hair flipped to the sides of his face, and then the slow way he wiped them away was all mesmerizing.

Of course Jisung wanted to help, but like a nervous dummy he couldn't. He wanted to stare at the stranger selfishly instead. It was uncertain how much time had passed but a sound came from the end of the hall which broke the silence. Both boys looked up to see the principal approaching, "Mr.Na!" he shouted.

He was walking frantically with legs wide apart which made him look like a cartoon character. "Thank you Mr.Jung for escorting the new student." he said to the undeserving Jisung. Jisung hadn't escorted him anywhere in fact he was pretty much useless. The student looked relieved and allowed himself to be guided to the principal's office, palm on his back as if he was a baby fawn that needed walking assistance.

At the sound of the bell, Jisung broke out of his dumb trance and began running back to the east hall like a madman.

"You're lucky he had to leave early!" Chenle said as the delinquent passed him by. Jisung saw that the classroom was empty and sighed out of relief. He collected his bag and met Chenle back in the hallway. "Maybe he had a date!" Chenle continued enthusiastically.

"There's no way a prude like him has a girlfriend," Jisung laughed nervously. Chenle laughed too but more so at him, "The real prude was almost you, imagine spending Friday evening in detention!" 

❡ The following Monday Jisung thought of acting out last period in hopes to run into the new student again. But he remembered his father's reprimand from the weekend and quickly changed his mind; his fathers lectures were worse than detention.

After school the boys grabbed some snacks from the school cafe like normally and waited in the courtyard for the bus. Jisung drank his chocolate milk and joined the conversation of his friends to avoid thinking of his new obsession. But after all the students had exited the school building, a familiar face sprouted from the door. Jisung hadn't noticed but he spilled milk onto his pant leg.

The face was the same in his memory. Brown hair, clear skin and an assured gait as he walked. He was like a true idol.

"Ah clumsy!" Chenle said after noticing the chocolate milk on Jisung's uniform. He handed him a perfectly embroidered handkerchief. He came from a modest family so he carried things like handkerchiefs around. "Thanks," Jisung mumbled. After lazily cleaning himself he refocused his attention back to the boy who was now crossing the courtyard with a small group following behind in awe. He didn't seem to be bothered by them and even took time to greet them. Even his slow wave was like an idol too. Jisung pouted and winced at how he stood cowardly beside the new kid and refused to murmur a word. They were way more confident than him.

Chenle grabbed back his handkerchief and held it so disgustingly in the air before tucking it in his book bag. He already knew Jisung would destroy it but still he let him borrow it knowing the outcome.


He and Chenle had been friends since the sixth grade. At first Jisung pushed the loud boy away, feeling that he only wanted to befriend him because he wanted votes for the student president. But the day after he won, the classroom questioned him about the person he admired most...Jisung sat in the corner by the window waiting for the bell to ring, half listening to the boy he pretended to not care about. As his name dropped from the boy's mouth he darted his eyes to see if he had some kind of sick smile on his face. The class cooed in response and the quiet mouse instantly became someone of importance. Jisung hadn't understood, actually it caused him to pull away even further.
"You're really a hard person to befriend." Chenle admitted one day on the bus home. He went on naming all the ways he tried to get to know the new student in his grade. "We're lab partners, bus buddies. We're even in the same classes" Although his stop had arrived he sat for a few moments before saying sadly, "If you don't want to be friends with me, I understand. I won't bother you again." he then ran from the bus.

Jisung felt an overwhelming amount of guilt. Even though he hadn't considered Chenle a friend, he was one. He pretended to be aloof, but he noticed him beside him and appreciated him.

Chenle took one step inside his home before hearing a knock. It was none other than Jisung.

He swung the door open with an attitude, "what do you want? why'd you get off the bus?" he wanted to sound angry but really he was covering up his concern. Jisung would have to walk 20 minutes home rather than the 10 minute bus ride to his house. Or he would have to take a train and he rarely carried money out of the house.

"I just.." He stuttered. Jisung didn't know what it was like to have friends or to apologize to one.

Chenle felt awkward and wanted him to stop standing there with such a dumb look, "wanna get ice creamm? afterwards my mom can drive you home."

Jisung began to reject it but saw the excited look on Chenle's face and decided to be receptive for once. "Okay!"

"-Race ya!" chenle broke for the streets to his favorite convenience store, not because it was owned by his uncle but because it had a variety of Chinese snacks which reminded him of his hometown.

Jisung always heard him ramble about the place and was really excited to see the exotic store, nothing like the sort existed in his neighborhood.

Of course Chenle pretended to have a cramp leg only to let Jisung win, and Jisung really believed he won with for some reason amused the older.

"I promised not to bother you again..."chenle gauged, just to see if Jisung was toying around.

Jisung's face shot up from the opposite aisle, "i want to be friends." he said it so plainly, but it was clearly genuine.
Chenle smiled silently to himself. His hard work paid off.

Little Piglet  ♡ JaemsungTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang