Chapter 12: To Protect the Ones I Love!

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Location: Mirror sea, SW of the AL/CA pacific base

Date: September 30th, 2064

Time: 1145 hours

Eric ducked as a single laser sailed above him, almost slicing off a bit of his rigging.  Observer Alpha grinned like a maniac, as the lasers continued to sail by Eric's head.  Connie was attempting to figure out what the cube was even capable of, let alone how she could tap into it to help Eric out.  Eric's fleet was watching the fight between the two combatants, some wishing to help, some just wanting to go home.  All around the battlefield were the burning and sinking wrecks of mass produced Siren ships, though there were still many more roaming around.  Within the group of ship girls, there lay a single ship girl, her rigging having been melted in some places, or pierced in others.  Her body was laying on a piece of debris, motionless and seemingly dead.

However, Ayanami was not at all dead.  She was still breathing.  Faintly, weakly, but still alive and breathing.  A single finger twitched and a grunt barely escaped her lips.  Javelin, the only girl near her looked down, not sure if she heard something or if it was just her imagination.  Another finger twitched, followed by her entire hand.  Javelin's eyes grew wide as she continued to stare at her friend, not sure if her mind was playing tricks on her.  It happened again for a third time, followed by another grunt.  Javelin knelt beside her friend and felt for a pulse in her wrist.  She wasn't a nurse, but she and everyone else in Eric's fleet were taught on how to see if someone was still alive, just through a simple pulse check to the wrist.  Sure enough, there was a pulse in her wrist.

Javelin: Ayanami. . . you're alive.

The screen immediately turns to black, with the title in the center of the screen.  The title soon fades away before fading back into the battlefield

Javelin's POV

Javelin: Laffey!  Niimi!  Ayanami is still alive!

The two other friends turned to face Javelin, as well as more ship girls.

Z23: Javelin, are you sure?  She took a laser directly to her body.  She couldn't have survived that shot.  How could she have survived something like that?

The serious destroyer from Ironblood, tears running down her face, was seriously skeptical.  It was no surprise to Javelin, her own tears still falling from her face, but she was now filled with joy.

Javelin: I know it sounds crazy, almost like I've lost my mind, but I know she is alive.  Check for a pulse if you want to, but she is alive.

Unicorn came flying down, her plushy turning back into it's smaller form, as she checked for a pulse as well.

Unicorn: It's true.  She is alive.  The pulse is faint, but there none the less.

Zuikaku, who was standing near the small group suddenly came sailing towards them.

Zuikaku: What is this I hear?  Ayanami is alive?  Is this really true?

Laffey, who was almost falling asleep once more, nodded at the Sakura Empire carrier.

Laffey: Ayanami lives.  Laffey can confirm that.

Zuikaku was about to answer, when a shell whizzed by their heads.  The fleet under Eric's command may have stopped to watch the fight against Observer Alpha, but the Siren forces hadn't stopped in their assault.  Zuikaku dashed forward at the ship, a bishop-class heavy cruiser.  Small aircraft, what looked like the A6M "Zeke", appeared on her carrier flight deck, attached to her right hip.  She placed the hilt of her sword at the end of the flight deck, just as the planes began taking off.  As the planes reached her sword, they disappeared in a small flame, and at the same time, her sword got a red and orange hue, almost as if it was being heated from a furnace.  By the time the last plane disappeared into a small fireball, the sword burst into flame as well.  She charged the cruiser, which forced it to aim lower until she was lower than the guns could depress.  Suddenly, she jumped up and ran across it's hull, the tip of her sword cutting into the metal hull, before she jumped into the air, her sword losing all of the fire.  Behind her, the ship spontaneously exploded, leaving nothing more than scrap metal falling out of the sky.

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