What!? 2

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Amity pulled away from Luz and looked at her confused expression. "Why did you do that?" Luz asked, recoiling. "I don't know, I just- I felt like I had to." Amity responded, embarrassed. The two stared at each other for a few more seconds before they were interrupted.

"LUZ, IS THAT YOU?" Hooty asked, extending himself towards the two. "Hey Hooty." Luz said, turning towards the bird tube. "Oh hey Hooty." Amity said, slightly annoyed by the bird tube. "Oh the two lovebirds are back." Eda said, walking out the door. "Oh good, you're here now." Luz said, looking at Eda. "Well, this is my house, where did you think I was." Eda asked, confused. "I don't know, I'm just kinda tired and I wanted to go home." Luz said, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"Oh sure, you wanna go up to your room with the princess." Eda asked sarcastically. "...Shut up." Luz said defensively. Luz turned towards Amity and saw that she had pulled her hood up and was hiding her face, she thought she could see some red from the edges of her face but brushed it off as nothing.

"Well come on up, you can go the castle tomorrow." Eda said, waving her hand towards Luz and walking inside. The two followed her and walked up to Luz's room. "Woah, this place is crazy." Amity said as she walked through the house with everyone else. "Yeah, the Owl House is a bit of an odd house to traverse through, but it's still cool." Luz said, pointing to the floating candle's everywhere.

"Well kid, here's your room." Eda said as the three arrived at Luz's room and opening her door. "I'm twenty-seven but thanks." Luz said with a mildly strained tone in her voice. "Yeah yeah, your still a kid to me." Eda said semi-sarcastically. Luz just gave her a look and walked inside with Amity behind her. "And don't make too much noi-" Eda was cut off by Luz slamming the door on her face.

"Sorry about her, she can be a bit... well like that." Luz said awkwardly before going to sit on her bed. Amity smiled at her and sat at a chair across from the bed. "So this was your room growing up?" Amity asked, looking around. Luz's face flushed bright red as she saw Amity looking around. 

"Yep." She managed to choke out. "Wow, there are a lot of Good Witch Azura posters here." Amity said, smiling. "So are we gonna talk about the kis-" Amity was interrupted by Luz getting off the bed and kissing her. The two embraced for what seemed like years for them before they let go. The two stared at each other for a few more seconds before Luz smiled and pulled Amity in for another kiss.

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