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I sigh as the Taxi drops me off at the ' Murder house' which will be my new house now. I knock on the door before pulling out a key and walking in. 

" Mom! Dad! Violet?! Anyone?" I call out with a sigh. I leave my bag at the door and walk around the quiet house, only to jump when I see a blond boy who looks a few years younger than me.

"Who the hell are you?" I ask him and he frowns with his head tilted.

"Michael. I live here. Who are you?" He asks me and I scoff.

"Im Hope Harmon, and this is my parents' house." He looks at me amused.

"Hope?" I jump as a hand is place on my shoulder, but I jump into the smiling man's arms.


"What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here." My mom says and I frown as I pull away from dad.

"Okay, ouch." I say and wrap my arms around me.

"No! no, baby, I mean you should me in college." She says pulling me into a hug, next was Vilet.

"There was a fire, teachers died, and half the school burned down, they sent us home to grieve and wait for repairs. "I tell them and Violet smiles.

"Awesome, how long you are staying for." I shrug.

"Like I said, half the school burnt down."

"Did you know anyone who dies?" dad asks and I frown and look down.

"Oh, baby." he says and pulls me into him.

"It's fine, um, just a few teachers, didn't make it, 3 student, none that I knew thank god, out sorority is like a family." I tell them and he rubs my back I look back to the blond.

"Who's he?" I ask and everyone goes silent as he smirked.

"Our brother." Violet blurts and my eyes widen.

"What? Since when? How?" I ask and he chyckles.

"We adopted him.... To try and repair our relationship." Dad says pulling mom into a hug. I nod with a sigh.

"You could have told me." I tell them amd walk to the front of the house with my family following me.

"We didnt want to distract you from school sweetheart." Mom says and I roll my eyes.

I grab my bag but Micheal grabs it from me.

"Let me." He says and takes it to the room my parents set up for me.

"Thanks." I tell him as I follow him up stairs, he nods.

He places my suitcase on the bed and stands in the door way..

"What started the fire?" Micheal asks and I tense.

I shrug." Dont know. The school didnt tell us." I tell him over my shoulder as i unpack my suitcase.

He hums.

"If you need anything, im the room to your right. And its an old house so dont get scarred if you hear wierd noises." Micheal tells me and I nod.

"Thanks." I tell him and he nids vefore turning and leaving.

"Hey." Violet whispers.

"Hey." I smile at her.

"Are you okay? You seem off." Violet tells me and I sigh.

"I just- I feel like I know nothing about me or the people around me." I tell her and she frowns and sits next to me on my bed.

"What do you mean?" Violet asks and I sigh.

"Mom and Dad lie and keep so many secrets from me." I tell her and she frowns and turns to face me.

"Like what?"

"I found out I was adopted." I tell Violet and her eyes widen and she scoffs.

"No your not. Why would you say that?" Violet asks and I scoff.

"My birth mom tracked me down. We did a DNA test Vi. Im not your birth sister." I tell her and she frowns.

"I dont want them to know I know. I wnat them to tell me." I tell her and she nods.

"Why wouldnt you guys tell me about Micheal?" I ask her and she sighs.

"They didnt want me to tell you." She says and I nod.

"Do you mind if I take a nap? Im jet lagged." I tell her and she jumps up.

"Of course see you later." She says and leaves.

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