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I wake up with a groan as my sore body stretch's out.

"You totally tried to eat us." I frown and look up to see Michael and Violet. I whimper and let my head fall back to my arm.

"Hey, you, okay?" Michael asks as he comes over with a blanket as my clothes ripped and I'm bare ass naked.

"Everything hurts." I mutter and he rubs mu back.

"I'll be back. Imma get you clothes." Violet says and sneaks off.

I hum at the feeling of his hand stroking my skin. Michael chuckles.

I sit up with a wince and look at Michael. I smirk.

"You wanna help me drive my parents crazy?" I ask with a wide smile, and he tucks hair behind my ear.

"What's your plan?" He asks and I lean in to tell it to him and he nods with a smirk.

When Violet comes back, I get dressed and we hop upstairs, me and Michael go to my room.

"I need a nap." I mutter and lay in bed. Michael lays next to me and pulls me closer to him.

"Let's hope they walk in and see." He says with a smirk, and I giggle.

"What the hell?!" I jump awake with a gasp, arms around my waist keep me on the bed and Michael looks at me with a smirk.

"Relax we were taking a nap." I tell her with attitude, and she scoffs.

"Together?" She frowns confused. I shrug.

"He's my brother, it's not like we're fucking." I tell her and she grimaces.

"Oh my god, Hope, seriously?" She scoffs as she leaves, and I giggle.

I look to Michael as I sit up with a stretch." Hey." I tell him with a smile, and He smiles back.

"Hey." He says back and I frown thinking.

"Who were you before all of this?" I ask him and he sighs.

"Michael Langdon, I lived in the house next door, my father Tate, Violet's boyfriend raped your mother, and I was born." He tells me and I freeze.

"He did what?" I ask and the room starts to shake.

Michael looks around the room then looks at me calmly." Calm down Hope." he tells me gently, but I shake my head and thrust my hand out to the door throwing it open and storm out of the room.

"Where is he?!" I yell through the house; I close my eyes and use my magic to feel for him before tearing him from the shadows. He looks around confused.

"How did you do that?" He asks and Michael runs in with my parents and Violet.

I thrust my hand out and he's thrown into a wall, I mutter a spell and his bones break in the other direction and blood splutters out of his mouth, my ears wring as I walk closer to him.

"Hope!" Someone yells and Im pulled into a chest. Michael, I collapse in his arms as my nose bleeds, I groan weakly." Hope? Hey, Hope, Its okay." He tells me and picks me up and carries me past my wide-eyed family and into my room.

Michael lays down with me and I cuddle into his chest as he traces my back.

"Do you ever get sick of being here? Do you ever just want to leave?" I ask him and he hums.

"All the time." I smile and look up to him.

"Im gonna get you out of here Michael Langdon." I tell him and he frowns.

"I don't want you getting hurt for me." I shake my head as I set it back onto his chest.

"I won't."

Next day I grab my bag full of grimoires looking for spells that include spirits. I write notes and walk out my room excited and go to the basement, knowing Michaels there. I see him sitting there with a female.

"Sorry, but I got it." I say with a wide smile.

Michael looks at me confused." Got what?"

"The spell, well kinda. I couldn't find a spell to unlink you to the house, but I found a bunch of other spells, like linking someone to a house and banishing spells. So, for you to stay on earth, I have to link you to something or someone else and then banish you from the house, makes sense, only thing is it's never been done before so if I mess up you could be dead, dead." i explain. and he frowns." But Im hopeful." I say with a nod, and he sighs." But you're not." i mutter and look away.

"It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that I rather stay in this house then die." Michael says and I crumble up the paper of notes.

"Thats fair, just forget it." I say and walk away as Michael calls after me. I go back to reading the grimoires when a voice interrupts me.

"I'll do it." I see the Brunett holding up my notes.

"You could die." I tell her.

She shrugs with a hopeful look." Im already dead, my girlfriend, she's alive, and I only get to see her for Halloween, it was enough but knowing there's a way I could be with her walking among the living..." She looks lost for words as tears fill her eyes and I smile.

"Call her, and tell her to come here, I need her here for the spell." i tell her and she nods with a big smile.

"Im Ruby." She says excited and I laugh.

"Im Hope."

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