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I was sat in my room with Ruby and Scarlet.

"Okay, I need to cut you both then you too need to press your open wounds together after I mix your blood in this bowl." I explain and Scarlett nods while looking at Ruby happily.

I cut them both and they bleed into the bowl before gripping each other's hands.

"What are you doing?" Michael asks walking in, and I freeze with wide eyes. Ruby sees this and answers for me.

"Shes trying out her spell on me, I want to be with Scarlett." Ruby tells him and Michael looks at me and shakes his head.

"No, you grew weak breaking Tates bones, your too new you'll hurt yourself." Michael says and I roll my eyes.

"Im doing it." I snap and he glares and stomps over, but I lift my hand and he goes flying out the door, I mutter a spell locking him out the room

I turn to the girls as Michael bangs on an invisible barrier." Are we ready?" I ask them and Ruby nods happily.

I mix their blood and mutter the spell. When it's done, I hold my hand out for scarlet and hut her finger and it appears on Ruby's hand, and I smile.

"Good your linked, now for the harder spell." I say and look to Ruby." I need to banish you without banishing the other spirits and I have to do all this while keeping the door to the other side closed." I tell her and stand up." Follow me." I tell them and they do.

I walk past a glaring Michael who stomps after us.

"The other side?" Scarlett asks.

"The spiritual relm. Trust me it's not good if that door opens." I tell her and I drag Scarlett outside with me as Ruby stays inside.

"Okay." I say and face the house dropping the grimoire in front of me then falling to my knees in front of it.

I cut my hand and let it bleed into the grass of what was still technically the houses property.

I dig my fingers into the earth as I mutter the spell under my breath, the wind picks up and the weather turns bad making clouds cover the sun and the sky rumble.

I yell the spell over the sound of the thunder and wind. Lightning strike and Michael yells for me to stop the spell but I ignore him and gasp when I feel Ruby getting shoved from the house. She falls into Scarletts arms, and I stop the spell panting with a smile.

" I did it." I say with a huge smile." I fucking did it!" i yell and the girls laugh happily and kiss each other, I stand on shaky legs.

"Ruby, your tied to Scarlett meaning when her lifeline ends so does yours." I explain and Ruby nods happily, but Scarlett frowns confused.

"It basically means she dies when you die." I tell her and she nods.

I look up to see an angry Michael.

"It worked, why are you so mad?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"You could have got hurt." He tells me arms crossed.

"But I didn't." I tell him and he glares.

"But you could have!" he raises his voice at me.

"Why do you even care?" I ask him and his eyes widen.

"Cause I care about you, damn it!" Michael yells back and I blink at him.

" And I care for you, so let me do this." I tell him gently and he sighs, I look at the happy girls and motion to them." It worked." I tell him and look back to see him staring at me.

"Fine, but I want to be linked to you." Michael says and my eyes widen.

"But- why me?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"I don't have anyone else." He tells me and my eyes soften, and I nod." Okay, let's do it." I say with a smile.

We go up to my room and I do the linking spell easily. I cut my hand and see a cut appear on Michael's hand. I drag him outside for the second part of the spell, as far as he could make it out at least.

I start the banishing spell and for some reason it's so much harder than the girls, I feel my nose bleed, but I ignore it and Michaels yells for me to stop and keep going.

I see flashes, Michael with black eyes and white skin, a school for warlocks, him ending the world only for him to be killed outside the murder house and dragged in by his grandmother. I gasp and fall over as my world goes black.

I see a half beast and half man with horns, and I crawl back away from them.

"My son will be connected to you, if you die, he dies, I need to make it, so you don't die." He growls out and he reaches over shoving blood down my throat, then snaps my neck.

He gives me the run down on vampires telling me Im now a tribrid.

I wake up with a gasp and see Im in my room on my bed with Michael stroking my hair. He smiles down at me.

"Im so angry with you right now." He says with a laugh, and I glare at him, and he frown.

"What?" He asks and I sit up.

"You didn't tell me you were the antichrist." I tell him blankly and his face fills with fear.

"I-I, how do you tell someone something like that?" he asks. I scoff.

"Your dad wants you to finish what you started." I tell him and he goes pale.

"What did he do?" He asks and I sigh shakily.

"He said he turned me into a Tribrid, he made me a vampire, so no one could kill me, so you would survive." I tell him as tears fill my eyes. He pulls me into a hug.

"Im so sorry." I hug him back and sob into his neck.

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