Chapter 19 {After Camp}

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Gloria's POV

The next day we all start packing our things.

I helped Jason pack up after I zip my bag and I have to say that it's a lot compared to my things. Did he think that we are going to stay here for a whole month?

"Gloria, can you help me as well?" Eugene said and I look at him who is struggling to fold his clothes.

Since when does he need my help?

"I am busy helping Jason, Chris, can you help Eugene?"

"Sure." Chris agreed to help him

"No it's fine, I can do this on my own, thank you very much" Eugene folded his clothes nicely and I raise my brow.

What is up with him?

"I guess that he is being jealous again" Miles whispered to me.

Oh, not this again. We both agreed that we are better off as friends since we don't want to end up hurting each other.

"Miles, keep your mouth shut," Jason said.

"What, it's true, he is still not over her. He still acts like a jealous boyfriend" Miles said out loud and the room just went silent.

Eugene just looked at him and stormed out of the cabin.

I looked at Miles with disbelief. How could he say that?

"Eugene!" I call his name and the door went shut.

I need to make sure that he is okay, so I left the cabin and went to go find him.

"Eugene!" I call out his name, but I don't hear any response. Where could he be?

"Eugene!?" I call him again. I searched the entire campsite and he is nowhere to be found.


Oh man, I need to find him fast.

I rushed into the forest and hoped that he is in our favorite area. I reached there and found him staring at the waterfall.

I slowly walked up to him.

"Go away Gloria." He sounds hurt.

What is wrong with him, did I do something wrong?

"No I am not leaving you here alone, now tell me, why are so upset?" I asked.

"Is it about what Miles said?" I added.

"It's nothing about what he had said."

"Then what is bothering you?" I hold his arm and he still doesn't look my way. "Come on, you can tell me anything." He let out a sigh.

"Maybe, Miles is right, maybe I am acting like a jealous boyfriend, I know that we are not dating or anything, but I don't know why do I always feel this way about you. Ever since you came to our school I felt like I need to save you from being hurt by anyone else, but the more I think about it, the more jealous I get, I got jealous when you were hanging out with Ryan, I even got more jealous when you hanged out with Yoel, and I felt that way because I wanted to spend more time with you and make up those years for not being there. It's been bothering me for months now, and seeing that you and Jason close, makes me even more jealous than before because now you are hanging out with him more than with me."

Well, that explains why he is acting like a jealous boyfriend, but in this case, it's more like a jealous friend.

"I never knew that you felt that way, why haven't you just told me all about this before, don't you think that everything would change?" I asked and he looked at me.

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